Chapter 8

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"What are we doing in the forest, Kakashi sensei?" Saskura asks.

"Tree climbing." He answers simply.

The four of us  looked at Kakashi sensei in confusion.

"What that sounds so boring!" Naruto complains.

"It's not gonna be normal tree climbing. You guys are king to do it without using your hands, let me demonstrate."

Kakashi uses his crutch and walks up to a tree and puts his foot on it then just simply walks up the tree to a branch then walks underneath the branch upsode down. We all gasp in amazement.

"Seem borjng to you now Naruto?" Kakashi teases.

Naruto plushes and turns his head away with a 'hmp'. Kakashi throws 4 kunai at our feet.

"Its a nice trick, sensei but how is ut going to help us defeat Zabuza?" Sakura questions.

I raise my hand to see if he will let me answer her. Kakashi nods his head in approval.

"Because Sakura, mastering chakra control is super difficult. Especially if you want to add the chakra a point in your body. If we can master this our jutsus will become stonger." I explain gently.

"Use the Kunai to mark your spot on the tree every tike you fail. Remember to use your chakra on your feet." Kakashi instructs us.

"Hey, this is fun!" Saskura says.

I look up and notice she is sitting pretty high up in the tree on a branch.

"Oh I want to try too!" I exclaim.

I start to gather my chakra at the bottom of my feet. I take a deep breath and gather my nerves ans run to the tree. I jump and start runninf up the tree. I pause to see if I'll fall but i dont soo i keep going till the very top banch then flip up and land on the branch.

"Oh your right, Sakura that was fun!" I say excitedly.

"Well looks like what i was told was true. The girls are reallt good at chakra control. Looks like Sky and Sakura are the closest to Hokage unlike someone. I guess the Uchiha arent all that great like they say either." Kakashi teases.

Both boys look up and glare at me and Sakura. We both sweat drop and I look away nervously. Did you have to provocke them sensei? Now they are mad at us!

Naruto and Sasuke dash up the tree to try and show Kakashi they could do it as well. Only for Naruto to take a few steps and fall on his head. Sasuke got a little higher before falling and landing on his feet.

"Boys." Sakura says to me shaking her head.

Me and the team have been practicing for hours. Me and Sakura have already mastered this exercise. Naruto approaches me and Sakura asking for advice. I Zone out and let Sakura explain to him how she did it, I yawn sleepily. I hear footsteps comkng towards me and i open my eyes to see Sasuke blushing and looking at me.

"Sky, can you give me any tips on how to do the exercise please? Sasuske asks.

"I stare at him with my mouth open and my eyes widen in shock. I cant believe he is asking me for advice!

"Okay. First, you have to concentrate your chakra in order for you to feel where it is. Second, you need to imagine it pooling on your feet. Lastly, you need to calm your breathing and focus, that is how I did it." I explain to him gently while blushing.

"Thank you." He says and walks away.

Its been a couple of days Sakura has been gurading Tazuna. I asked Kakashi if I could train more on my own to which he agreed. I've been training with my chakra to try and trying different things then one day I could have sworn I saw some frost come from my hands that day it was raining. I thought imagained it but ive been training suler hard everyday working on strengthening my chakra and working on my chakra flow.

That night back at Tazuna's house, we are all eating dinner peacefully. All of a sudden Naruto and Sasuke decleare a eating contest.

"Guys calm down if you eat to much you'll get sick!" I scold them worriedly

They ignore me and ask for another bowl the turn around and vomit on the floor. I turn away from them so I wont have to watch them.

"Hey who's that in the picture?" Sakura asks.

You zone out as they expalin who it is while you think back to that little amkut of frost you thought you saw today. Could I really have made frost appear with just my chakra? No it couldnt be I've never heard of someone being able to dk that i must have been imagining it.

I get snapped back to the present when Inari slams his empy bowl on the kitvhen table and runs out of the room. Kakashi and Naruto run after him, I annouce im going to bed because I feel super tired from all my training all of sudden.

The following morning me, Sakura, and Kakashi went to see how the boys where progressing.

"Hey guys look how far I've gotten!" Naruto yells

I look up and see him standing on top of a tree branch. I was super proud of my friend, he pretended to fall scarking Sakura and Kakashi only to catch himself with his chakra and stay upside down.

"Haha. Gotcha I cant believe you fell for it. Oh my God-"

I watvh as Naruto looses his concentration for real this time and begins to fall and Sasuke catches him. I sigh and shake my head at the boys.

Great now I've made a fool of myself infront of Sky ill make up for it by getting it tomorrow believe it! Naruto thought to himself while blushing.

Me Sakura, and Kakashi walk back to the hkuse for lunch. I leave again and go to the forest to try some more. I keeo doing water jutsus to strengthen my chakra core so that my jutsus get stronger. Then I start playing with my chakra some more to try and make the frost appear again but nothing happens before dark.

We are having another peaceful dinner when Naruto and Sasuke come in looking battered to hell and out of chakra.

"We did it. We both made it to the top." Naruto says.

"We finally mastered our chakra control." Sasuke adds

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