Chapter 4

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"He's late!" Naruto complains for the 3rd time. Its been almost a hour since everyone else left.

Im sitting by the window sketching the tree outside that has a birds best in it. I hear Sakura yelling at Naruto to sit down. Sakura scoffs at him and sits down again. Naruto starts. Making alot of sccuffling noices so you stop sketching and look up at him. He's standkng in a chair outting the chalkboard eraser on top of the door so that when it opens it will fall on the person.

"What are you doing?" Sakura asks.

"This is what he gets for being late." Naruto states witha grin as he turns around.

"Sasuke looks up and nktices what he did. "Our teacher is a Jonin. You seriously think he's gonna fallbfor that?" He staes mockingly.

Sasuke's right, your clueless Naruto." Sakura almost immediatly agrees.

A couple minutes later the door opens and a one eyed ninja with silver hair comes in and the eraser lands on his head. He fell for it?  Everyone thought.
"I'm sorry, sensei. I tried to stop Naruto but he wouldn't listen." Sakura says trying to look innocent.

"Hahahaha. Looks like he did fall for it. Thats what you get for being late!" Naruto said.

Kakashi picks up the eraser and looks at the team.

"Hmm, how do I put this? My first impression of you guys is your all idiots." Kaakshi states. All four of us sink down in depression.

The five of us move to the roof. Im sitting between Naruto and Sasuke.

"Why dont you all intoduce yourselves?" Kakashi Suggests.

"What are we supposed to say?" Sakura asks.

"Well things like your hobbies, things you hate, things you like your dreams for the future stuff like that." He says.

"You first then." Naruto demands

"Alright. My name is Kakashi Hatake. I dibt feel like telling you my likes or dislikes. I have alot of hobbues. And my dreams for the future? Never really though about it." Kakshi stated

"Well that was useless we didnt learn anything new. You only told us your name which we already knew." Saskura says to you.

"Y-you like reading and hate people who abandon their friends. Your facorite series is the 'Make out Patadise'." I said timidly.

Everyone looks at you in shock. I look down with a heavy blush.

"How do you know all of this?" Kakashi asks.

"I-I saw your book sticking out from your pouch when you walked in. And I over heard Dad talk about it once." I said while blushing.

"You're very observant and nosy." Kakashi praises and scolds you. "Who's next?"

"Me! My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I like ramen in a cup, but hate the 3 munited you have to wait. Hanging out with Sky, ramen that Iruka sensei buy's for me. My dream for the future is im gonna be the greatest Hokage ever and for everyone to treat me with respect. Believe it!" Naruto said

"Alright. Next" Kakashi says.

"H-hello, my name is Sky Nara I like drawing, reading, animals, training, playing Shogi with my brother and my best friend Hinata. I like helping take care the clan deer. I dislike people who bully my friends. Umm my dream for the future u-um I havent really thought about that." I say timidly while blushing and playing with my hair.

Kakashi nods his head at me. "Alright. Next." He says.

"I'm Sakura Haruno and what I like is... Umm i mean who i like is. My hobbies ar uh.... My future dream is...." Sakura couldn't stop squealing and looking at Sasuke the whole time she was talking.

"And who do you hate?"

"Naruto!" She says immedately. Naruto looks soo heartbroken you pat him on the back and give him a comforting smile.

"Next please." Kakashi asks

Wow. Your the last one." He says to Sasuke.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha and I hate alot of things. I only tolerate one person. What I have is not a dream but something I'm going to make a reality. Im going to restore my clan and kill a certain someone." Sasuke declares

I hope it isn't me Naruto thinks. Sasuke is so hot Sakuta thought.  Just as I thought Kakashi thinks. I wonder who it is he tolerates?

"I'm glad your all different in your own way. Tomorrow we start our mission." Kakashi annouces.

"What kind of mission?" I ask nervously

"It'll be a survial mission." Kakashi said.

"But we were already taught everything about survial at the academy. That's why were here." Sakura argues.

"What is it we need to survive?" Naruto asks.

Kakashi gives ofd a evil grin while chuckling at Naruto.

"Why are you laughing? Its a perfectly normal question?" Sakura asks.

"If I tell you you won't like it." Kakashi warns us.

"J-just say it" I ask nervously

"Out of the 28 students that graduated this year, only 10 will be accepted as genin. The rest will be sent back through the academy again. There is a 66% chance of failure." He answers us.

All four of us look at him in shock.

"There's a chance of bejng sent back to the academy?" Saskura asks dubiously.

"I told you, that you guys wouldnt like the answer. I'll be the one who decides wheter you pass or fail. Make sure you hring your ninja equipment and be at the training grounds at 5am tomorrow." Kakashi said dissmissing us.

We all get up and get ready to leave.

"Oh and one more thing. Don't eat breakfast or you'll just throw it back up." Kakashi warns. Kakashi poofed out of the roof. Leaving me, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura stunned.

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