17• Fight ~Part 2~

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King Jin POV

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King Jin POV

Its now night. Its almost 1 day before my daughter Rosé's birthday. I'm so worried for them especially because I have no news from them. They still haven't come home.

I'm very scared because what if the witch successfully got Rosé's powers. I still haven't see my daughter for 19 years. 19 years is so long but I didn't give up. I know that I will see her soon.

Then an idea came to my mind and I tell it to my wife making her shocked.

“What if we follow them? We should saved them” I suggest.

“What?! How about the kingdom?!” She shouted. She got angry but only a little bit.

“Don't worry they are safe. The soldiers are protecting them” I said soflty making her calm down.

“Ok fine. We should tell this to King RM amd Queen Jihyo” She said and I got happy.

We teleported at the outside of the Angel Kingdom. The soldiers let us in and we saw Queen Jihyo and King RM.

“Oh, Hi King Jin and Queen Jisoo. What brings you here? Do you have news about our sons and your daughters?” Queen Jihyo and King RM asked.

“Actually... We are here if you guys want to help finding my daughter Rosé” Me and my Husband Jin quietly said and look at them who are shocked.

“Please give us a moment to talk” Queen Jihyo said. She and King RM walk away from us and they both talked leaving me and my husband behind.

“I really hope they help. All four of us are worried for our kingdoms but they need help. The witch is strong so I hope they will come with us” I said and my husband comforts me.

End of Queen Jisoo POV

Queen Jihyo POV

Me and my husband RM are talking about our sons. We are so worried when we knew that our sons are missing but then King Jin and Queen Jisoo told us that their daughters sneaked out of the castle. Then the four of us knew that they are together. So all of us got worried because the witch may killed them.

Me and my husband are talking but got cutted off when the front door opens revealing King Jin and Queen Jisoo. All four of us bowed to each other.

“Oh, Hi King Jin and Queen Jisoo. What brings you here? Do you have news about our sons and your daughters?” Me and my husband RM asked them. Then me and my husband got shocked when they tell us something.

“Actually... We are here if you guys want to help finding my daughter Rosé” Queen Jisoo and King Jin said. Me and my husband are shocked and we looked at each other.

“Please give us a moment to talk” I said and I pulled my husband and walk away from King Jin and Queen Jisoo.

“So, are we going to help them? I actually agree, how about you?” I asked my husband and he got more shocked.

Jirose Ft. Blacktan~ The Long Lost PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now