1 - stunned

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"You can't be serious, Ron," Hermione reprimanded with a stern tone.

"Of course I'm serious. What do you think Harry? Athena? Back me up here," Ron said, prodding his elbow into Harry's ribs, desperation clear in his voice.

"I'm not saying anything," Athena Greene replied, trying to conceal her smirk.

Hermione's frustration was some cause of amusement for the three. Harry let out a laugh in response.

"I'm just thinking, if we ditch Defence Against the Dark Arts and take the passage to Hogsmeade, we'll have a way better time."

"I can't afford to ditch any classes," Hermione shook her head, clutching her books tighter into her chest. "Unlike you I would like to pass my exams. Oh and not forgetting the NEWTs obviously."

"'Mione, they're more than a year away," Ron said.

"I know that Ron but its always good to get a head start. Everything we are learning now is essential. NEWTs are so much more important than OWLs," she explained.

NEWTs were exams to be taken at the end of  the 7th and final year at Hogwarts. OWLs were exams at the end of their 5th year, which they had already taken.

"I'm actually with Hermione on this one. Sorry Ron," Athena smirked after hearing Ron's grunts.

No one had agreed to go with Ron which left him in a very bad mood. They used to all love DADA lessons, but this year it was different.

Not because of the class itself, but because of who taught it. Professor Snape. He had never been very fond of any of them, or any of Gryffindor to put it simply. He favoured his own house, Slytherin, the opposing house to Gryffindor.

He used to teach them Potions despite having applied for the position of the DADA professor every year, though he had never managed to get it. That is, until now.

He seemed to strongly dislike Gryffindors, especially Harry, Athena, Hermione and Ron. After five years of putting up with Snape's grudge, you'd think they had got used to it.

The four sixth year students trudged through the grounds of Hogwarts, on their way to sit outside in the bright warmth of the September sun, during their break.

Once they picked a place to sit down, they spotted Malfoy and his followers walking towards them with smug looks on their faces.

Draco Malfoy was a pale boy with silvery blonde hair in the same year as the four. He was in the house of Slytherin. For the past five years he had been nothing but a pain to them. They absolutely despised each other, resulting in them being sworn enemies.

"Ahh if it isn't Potter and his pals," he sniggered, looking at his friends, making sure they laughed with him. He gained in closer, his tall slender body, ganging up on Harry's shorter frame.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry asked, rolling his eyes.

"Just wanted to let you know that things are going to be different this year. There's gonna be no more funny business from any of you. Am I clear?" he sneered, eyeing each of them carefully.

Hermione stifled a laugh, rolling her eyes.

Malfoy snapped his head towards her.

"Something funny about what I just said?" he scowled, as he began to gain in on Hermione.

Her expression went flat, concealing her giggles behind pursed lips.

"Filthy mudblood," he spat. Ron pounced but Harry held him back before he could get anywhere.

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