My normal life

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What happens when you wake up in the morning?

For some people, it's quiet and peaceful
and for others, it is always a painful experience because of the sound of the alarm which keeps on sneezing every 15 minutes.

For me, it was none of this; my morning always typical starts with a scolding from my mom ,bringing me out of my dreamy world and making me jump out of the bed.

Well, it is not her fault always to be honest; I keep on sleeping until and unless someone does that to me. I somehow managed to drag my body to the bathroom.

Last night I watched a web series almost till 3 A.M; I am so sleepy. I took a shower, get dressed, and went to the living room.

"Mom, what's for breakfast?" I shouted
"How come you sleep so much I don't understand, don't you need to go for work?" she said in a frustrated tone, well frustrated with me basically. I think is the general saga of the morning scenes for every middle class family.

"Oh mom, I could get ready so quickly unlike you. I am going for the work, just give me breakfast, I am so hungry" I said

I went towards the dining table and sat there beside my dad. I saw he was reading the newspaper, as usual. My dad was more of a friend to me. Our morning rituals would start with discussing world news and end at hot page 3 celebrity controversies.

"Is there any hot news today dad?" I asked.

"No dear, nothing like that, its just the usual ones" dad said.

Mom served us hot stuffed parathas with chutney, one of my favorite breakfasts. My mom's parathas were always so good that each bite of it always used to increase my love for her in manifolds.

Well, I am Linda Mathur recently turned 30; unmarried till now which is the most pressing concern for my parents. I work in a shopping complex; also pursuing my masters on a part-time basis so that soon I could get a decent job with a good pay.

It was raining cats and dogs outside; I somehow managed to reach the shopping center.

"Hi Maryam, how are you?" I smiled and said as I entered the complex, though I knew that she was not in a pleasant mood, I tried to make the environment jovial.

"You are late again Linda," Maryam said

"See, how heavily it's raining outside; I got stuck on the way Maryam," I tried to convince her.

Maryam looked at me furiously and said: "Go and get to your work"

"Oh Maryam, you are so sweet," I said and hugged her and winked at her.

"You are the naughtiest of all Linda," she said.

Maryam was the manager of the store and I had to report to her every morning after reaching the store. She was a kind-hearted lady at her forties. She always supported and cared for me. She was a widow and used to stay alone as her son had left the country for work. She always tried to show the whole world how rough and tough she was, but on the other hand she was a very amiable person.

I kept on working the entire day; today I was supposed to go for my classes; but due to the heavy rainfall, the class was cancelled. I was not very happy as I enjoyed my classes and I wanted to finish the course as soon as possible but due to some or other reasons, all the classes are getting postponed very frequently these days.

"Hey Maryam, I have finished my work, I am leaving for home, you too leave as soon as possible; it is now raining heavier than it was, might be there would be deluge flood." I said in a strenuous tone as I was tired after the whole day of work.

"Yes dear, and you too take care okay and stay vigilant," Maryam said.

"Okay Maryam, I will take care, bye," I said and left the store.

I took out my yellow umbrella, I saw there were no autorickshaws outside in the stand, so I started walking. I realized there was a cloudburst; rain dancing across the meadows. I am always fascinated by rain, so I was enjoying the downpour.

After a little walk, fortunately, I found an autorickshaw; I went home safely.

"Dad, what is happening with the weather? It is raining incessantly; it is not even the monsoon" I asked eagerly while sipping my cup of tea.

It was 7 P.M in the evening, mom made us some hot pakoras and tea and we were enjoying our beverages and snacks on a rainy day while watching television.

"I don't know dear; weather podcast is saying it would continue to rain for next 4-5 days," Dad said

"Oh no! if it continues to rain like this, then soon there might be a flood," Mother said

"Don't worry mom, it's fine as long as we are together" I said that in a smiling way and placed my head nn my dad's shoulder.

Suddenly we saw a news flash in the television:

A report from NASA just arrived saying that there is a chance, an asteroid might hit the earth within the next 2-3 days, it is gradually moving towards the earth at a very high speed, there is a chance that it could hit the earth or might just pass through without any impact. But if it hits the earth, there is a very high chance that some catastrophic damages might happen.

"Oh my god, that is menacing, what would happen next," Mother said


laughed and said: "All the time NASA predicts all these things, but nothing happens, do not worry Mom." I said that in a very casual tone, sipping the ginger tea while enjoying the evening rains.

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