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The voice of chirping birds woke me up, I opened my eyes and was amused to find myself lying under a tree.

Slowly I stood up, regaining the memory of last night. I realized that there was a blackout and eventually I slept the whole night there under a tree.

I looked around and was delighted to find that it was not raining anymore.

It was a bright morning with the rising artistic golden sun which had started painting the dark black sky into a bright blue one.

It was after several days again I got to see the sun. I looked here and there but couldn't find my phone, I tried to search all around, I found my yellow umbrella which I was holding before the blackout. I thought with rain and mud I lost my precious phone, I looked onto my wristwatch which I was wearing; I was amazed, it was already 10 A.M and my shift in the store was supposed to start at 10.

I realized my parents might be worried and I was unable to contact them, but if I wouldn't go to the store, I might lose my job.

So, I decided to go to the store first then would contact my parents with the phone over there and will tell them everything.

I took my umbrella and started walking towards the store. On the way, I realized something was different, not the same as always, but I rather concentrated more on reaching the store without thinking anything else.

I almost reached the store, suddenly I felt the color of the store is different, my inner self started talking to me "what is this? when did Maryam change the color? I didn't notice at all" I laughed at my thinking.

I opened the door, suddenly a bell rang; I looked above the door, there was a bell hanging, and it rings whenever someone opens the door.

I again questioned myself "when did Maryam put this thing here? might be in the morning. I entered the store, a lady in her 40s greeted me and said:

"Good morning Ma'am, welcome to our store, how may I help you?"

"What? Who are you? Where is Maryam?" I said

"I am sorry Ma'am, I didn't get you, whom you are looking for?" The lady said politely

"What the hell is going on? Please call Maryam, I am not in a mood of joke right now, I am too tired, I need to talk to Maryam as soon as possible, I have lost my phone as well" I said furiously

"I am so sorry for your loss ma'am, I am willing to help you, but please pardon me, I am not getting anything you are saying ma'am, no one named Maryam works here, I think you are having some misunderstanding," the lady said.

I laughed and said: "what a joke! See I would have enjoyed this prank, but right now I am too tired for all these things, you don't know what all happened to me last night. I don't know who you are but please convey my message to Maryam that I came this morning to report at the store but I need to go home immediately, I lost my phone, I would call her after reaching home"

The lady was giving a confused expression and was trying to say something, but I ignored and turned around and went outside without listening to anything else. I was quite sure that Maryam along with her friend was trying to prank me; they had done this before as well.

I looked outside for some auto, but my luck has been always bad in terms of getting an auto. I never get autos whenever I need it the most.

I preferred walking as usual and started walking along the road.

After a while fortunately I got one auto and went to my home. I got out of the auto; I took out my wallet from my back pocket and gave 20 bucks to the autowala; two Rs10 note, he kept one and gave me back another one, I was amused, what happened, it usually takes 20 bucks in auto to my home. But I thought it's good enough to get an Rs. 10 back; I laughed and moved towards my house.

It felt like heaven when I saw my home from a distance, finally, after a long tiring night, I reached my home sweet home.

I was standing at the front door and moved my hands towards the calling bell which was hanging right side on the wall.

Many thoughts came to my mind that my parents would be so tensed as I didn't come last night; I was planning accordingly to explain everything in detail. I pressed the bell unknowingly; I was enlivened to be at home after so long.

Somebody unlocked the door and opened it.

"Mom, finally I am back, I have to tell you a lot of things, you can't even imagine what things I had to go through from last night, I am so happy to be back to home"

I kept on saying while entering the house. I felt my mom was not saying anything, she was staring at me with a weird expression. I noticed she was looking different; she was looking older than before. She was wearing jeans and a T.shirt, which she never does.

"What happened mom, are you not happy to see me? I know you might be a bit angry at me as I didn't even call you last night, but I can give you an explanation; by the way, you are looking great in jeans and a T. shirt."

I kept on saying continuously without even listening to her part.

Somebody called from the back, oh it was dad asking: "Who is at the door, honey?"

My mom replied: "I don't know honey, and turned to me and asked politely: "I am sorry madam, may I know who you are?"

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