In reverse

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I ran and ran and kept on running. I didn't know where I was running but, I was running.

I couldn't digest what I just saw moments ago. I saw my future self, lying there. she was none other than my self.

The moment I looked at her, I ran out of the house immediately. Mom and dad were surprised by this behavior, but the people whom I thought my parents, were not mine, but her parents.

The other Linda in this other world and she was old here, very old but for them, she was a 3 years old kid.

I stopped running and went near a tree and sat down for a while. I was blanked for a moment then I started understanding everything slowly.

If that elderly Linda is 3 years old that means for them, I was an elderly woman and for that reason, everybody over this place was way more respectful towards me including my dad.

I was quite sure by now that this isn't the world from where I belonged. This is another world, with the same people, but here time is running in a reverse direction.

That means the things which I read on that book about analogous universes with reverse timings, everything was correct and that is why the tower clock works in an anticlockwise direction and the day rotates in a reverse direction.

And not only the timings, here people age in a reverse way, that is why daily I come across mostly with elderly people but according to them, they are all youngsters.

Everything around was making me feel aghast. I closed my eyes for a few minutes to digest everything. I decided to go back to my hotel.

I sat on the couch thinking about all those things. Repeatedly the sight of that elderly lady was coming to my mind. It was almost early morning by then and soon it was going to be dark again after few hours.

I tried thinking harder and figure out how to deal with these things, how to go back to my world, how I came here after all. I into my watch in my wrist, it was showing 6 P.M. the only thing here which belonged to my world was this wristwatch, which was still working clockwise and showing the correct time. From this, I was able to relate the timing from my world.

I saw the book on the table, till now the book was giving me the right direction to think, I was sure further I will mostly get my answers in this book itself. I took the book and started reading again about what are the possibilities a human could travel to another world.

For time traveling either astronauts can travel in a spaceship to the other galaxies or we might need a time machine to travel to another time-zone. Either of the two possibilities was not applicable in my scenario.

I kept on reading, then I saw in a small portion it was written that sometimes after certain years asteroids hit the earth which cause many changes. To understand how this happens, I had to know first about the asteroids.

I kept on reading. Asteroids are the minor planets, especially of the inner solar system. Larger asteroids have also been called planetoids.

They are mainly composed of minerals and rocks. Many asteroids exist ranging in different sizes. The asteroids are capable of causing a global disaster if they hit the earth.

I read in one stanza that the earth has about 1 in 7000 chance of getting an uninvited extra-terrestrial visitor.

According to some reports, there is a chance of an asteroid to hit the earth in Sept 2019. Compared to the 6-mile long (10kilometres) asteroid that killed the dinosaurs about 66 million years ago, this asteroid that was going to hit was 130feet (40 meters) in diameter.

According to some reports, this asteroid will likely get an as close ad about 4.2 million miles to the planet. To put that in perspective, the moon is 238,900 miles away. So, there is a chance of 1 in 7000 that it will hit the planet. This asteroid is a frequent visitor to our planet. After 2019, the object is expected to swoop by the earth in 2032, 2045, and 2062.

I was somehow getting convinced by the fact that there might be a chance of the asteroid hitting the earth on that day after which everything was changed. And it was the month of September going on of the same year.

And I remember the day before that incident I saw on the television some news about an asteroid and the lady at the restaurant she told me here also they heard about the same news.

So, I was now very much convinced that there was something related to that. Before this day, I was unaware that the extinction of dinosaurs was caused by an asteroid hitting the planet.


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