One clue

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Two weeks had passed in this weird world where I was unable to co-relate day and night, where time was confusing.

For the people over here, I was an old lady, for some reason, I was benefited for that thing and were in getting all my needful works done on the sympathetic grounds.

I had started working in the store and got a rented room beside the store in a very negligible rate arranged by my manager, as I said on the sympathetic ground of an elderly woman.

Amidst of all the odd things, I kept on reading and learning more and more about time, space, and many more things that I never believed in my entire life but was experiencing everything like a dream.

Along with gaining vast knowledge about time and space I also learned many things, for example, I learned to cook, I learned basic chores which I never used to do at home. 'Home' oh how much I miss my home, my parents, I miss talking to them, sometimes I used to go near my house and see them from a distance, I wanted to talk with them but that would make me feel sad as they would treat me as a stranger.

Life sometimes plays very bad games with you. But I was trying my best to cope up with this life and was waiting to get back to my world. Though sometimes I felt very melancholic but deep inside I knew that someday I will manage to go back to my world.

Gradually I started to get habituated by this life, I couldn't find any other ways to get back to my world. There was no time-machine and nothing which could make me go back.

I learned to deal with this world alone. My life kept revolving around the store, library, and my single bedroom rented house. No one could understand my pain or with whom I could share all these things.

13 years had passed, I almost started forgetting about my past life. People started to show me more sympathies as for them I was a very old lady who lives alone. But I turned younger than before, I was 17 years old. I felt young with my mind and body.

As usual one day after waking up I prepared my lunch and breakfast and got ready for my work. Earlier I never used to wake up in the early morning but now not only I wake up in the morning, but I also do all the chores and make my food. Time and situation change everything.

I took my purse and pulled out my watch and rolled it around my wrist. It was the only thing that kept me reminded of my past life and keeps me hopeful. Also, it helps me to relate to the time here, although by now I was habituated by the reverse timing here.

I locked the house and went outside, I saw the sky was cloudy, "I would probably rain today" I said to myself.
I took an auto and went to the store. I went inside and greeted my manager as usual.

This lady was good but somehow still I miss Maryam, in this world, I met the same people in different ways mostly, but I wonder where Maryam would be. I never met her.

I started my work by organizing certain grocery items on different shelves. Also greeted the customers and helped them in their shopping. I saw outside it was raining cats and dogs.

I kept on working, the day has passed, and it was almost 5 p.m, my shift will get over in an hour. Due to heavy rainfall, there were fewer customers. I finished my work and went to the resting area and sat down on a chair for a while. My colleagues were chatting with each other, due to age differences those people never get along with me.

I looked at my manager, she was sitting and scrolling her phone. Then I looked into the television which was hanging on the opposite wall, some news was going on, suddenly I saw in headlines which were flashing below saying: "an asteroid was going to hit the earth after 13 years, within 4 days that is there will be continuous rainfall for next 4-5 days."

I got up from the sofa with a shock. "Hey, what happened? Are you alright?" my manager asked. I looked at her and said: "Yes, I am fine, don't worry"

But I was not fine at all, it was the same news which I had seen years ago in my world with my parents. The same things were repeating, I was in the store, continuous rainfall for 4-5 days, the sky was darker than before and on top of everything, this news.

And I suddenly remember the things which I read on that book years ago that the asteroid might hit the earth after 13 years and it was almost after 13 long years.


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