Weird things I witnessed

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I came back to my hotel room, I saw it was almost 6 P.M, I looked outside from the window, the dusk covered the darkness and finally, daylight was going to enter the aura. I was too tired to do something else. I lied down in bed and slept.

After a few hours, I woke up, for a moment I forgot where I am, after a few seconds I regain to my senses. I looked outside from the window and noticed, the sun was on the top, the daylight was dazzling with the yellow sky. I was not that amazed as by now I was habituated with all the changes that I was witnessing.

I went to the bathroom and freshened up. I ordered some food in the room; due to all these time differences I was also experiencing some gastritis problems, but the only concern of mine at that moment was to find out the truth behind all those things and get away back to my home.

After finishing my food, I again started reading the book. While reading I found something related to time travel and temporal paradoxes.

The temporal paradox is the logical contradiction with the idea of time travel.

There are several theories of paradoxes for example grandfather paradox: it states that if someone ever travels back in time and kills his grandfather in his childhood, it would result in one of his parents, and the time traveler not being born. And if he was not born, then he never went back in time to kill his grandfather.

Thus, there is no predicted outcome of this concept.

Another theory is a causal loop which occurs when a future event is the cause of a past event, which in turn is the cause of future event where both the events exist in spacetime, but their origin cannot be determined.

This may involve an event, a person or object, or information. There are few more concepts for example Fermi paradox and Newcomb's paradox which contradicts the concept of time traveling.

I sighed with an expression of feeling perplexed totally, I never imagined my whole life that, these things ever existed and could be possible.

I continued to read. Although many concepts do not agree with time-traveling but few theories stated that it might be possible.

Albert Einstein said that time is an illusion, and to him, time is the fourth dimension. Einsten's theory of special relativity says that time slows down or speeds up depending on how fast someone is moving relative to something else.

Approaching the speed of light, a person inside a spaceship would age much slower than his twin at home, also under einstein's theory, gravity can bend time.

There are so many other theories such as infinite cylinder theory, black holes concept, cosmic strings concept, and even the concept of the time machine, that states that time travel to another parallel world could be possible.

I continued reading more and more about various possibilities of time traveling.

In one part, I got a very outlandish concept which made me flabbergasted. In scientific discovery, researchers have detected evidence of a parallel universe where time moves backward.

According to a report, NASA has found some findings while experimenting with a giant balloon Antarctica. The found findings suggested that there was a constant wind of high energy particles coming from outer space, some of which were a million times powerful than anything on the earth's surface.

They detected that the high-energy particles that should be coming 'down' from space were coming 'up' out of the Earth, which implies that these particles are traveling backward in time suggesting there is a probability of the presence of parallel universe where time runs in the reverse direction.

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