The bizzare facts

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All I knew was that I had to go back home, I had to know the root cause and the only place I could get all my answers was the central library. I went inside the library, but I had no library card, but the person there was kind enough to allow me to read for an hour.

I went to the section of space studies and celestial bodies. I tried to find something related to the asteroid. But instead of getting details about the asteroid, I found sections about the analogous universe.

I picked up a few books and went to the table and start reading.

Before this day, I had never believed in such things about existing of a parallel universe, but the present condition of my life changed my mind completely. For the first time, I got to know certain things which I never believed in all my life.

According to many articles, a lot of scientists have believed in the existence of multiple universe that co-exist with ours.

The basic concept was that there could be other universes besides our own, where everything could happen alternately or it might be the same as it is.

There are certain astronomical theories of the multiverse which were stipulated by different scientists.

We have already known that around 13.7 billion years ago everything in the cosmos was an infinitesimal singularity.

According to the big bang theory, some triggers caused expansion and inflation which led to the formation of three-dimensional space.

Eventually, the small particles began to form into the larger pieces of matter which today we know as stars, galaxies, planets.

To date, due to limited technology, no has been ever able to get any information regarding the presence of any other universe because the universe is curved and we are inside it, oblivious of the fact that there was an outside as well.

Five theories had been given by several scientists: the first one is the infinite universe, according to this the shape of the space is flat and goes on forever and there is a possibility that the universes could repeat themselves, that is because particles could be put together in many ways.

The second theory is the bubble universe theory which is based on external inflation and stated that some areas of the space stop inflating, others kept on getting larger, so every particle including our universe acts like a bubble of different sizes.

So, it might be possible to have other universes with different laws of physics since they are not linked.

The third theory is the daughter universe which is based on the theory of quantum mechanics. If we follow the laws of probability, it suggests that for every outcome, there would be a range of universes, each of which will have different scenarios, different life experiences

The fourth theory is a mathematical universe that simply explains that the structure of mathematics could be different depending on which universe you reside in. That is there might be the existence of some universe that consists of no humans.

The fifth theory is parallel universes which are based on the first theory which states the shape of the space-time is flat, so there are several possible configurations in multiple universes that would be limited to certain distinct possibilities.

So, the infinite number of cosmic patches and their arrangements would repeat itself infinitely which states the presence of parallel universes. Cosmic patches the same as ours would have a person exactly like us, the patches which differ from by a single particle, that would be different from ours.

By all these concepts, I was quite sure about the existence of some other universe and there might be a chance that I might come to one unknowingly.

“Ma’am, you have already crossed your time limit, you have to leave now, I can’t allow you to read more," the librarian said to me.

“Could you please let me read for some more time, it is very important for me” I requested to her.

“No, sorry ma’am, I can’t, I have to maintain the regulations, you don’t even have a library card, out of respect I am allowing you to read but I can’t cross the time limit.” She said

After so many respectful negotiations, I finally managed to convince her to make a library card for me and I took a book issued to take home.

For some reason, in this world, everybody was kind and respectful towards me, except my parents who denied to even recognize me. I took an auto and went to the hotel. On the way I realized I should at least try to get my job back; so, I asked the auto to stop by to the store where I used to work.

I entered the store with a puzzled mind as I wasn't sure what to say, but one thing I knew was that I needed a job immediately. I found the lady at the desk, fortunately, there were not many customers, so, I could talk to her thoroughly.

"Well, you came certainly at the right time, we want an employee immediately, but with your age, I am not sure you would able to manage or not." The lady said

"Why won’t I, of course, I can manage, I have worked in shopping complexes before, and in essence, right now I need a job deliberately, please let me have this job, it will be so great of you," I told her.
And again, after many respectful negotiations, I finally got the job. After so many bad things, finally, something nice was happening to me.

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