I reached home??

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I was happy, excited as well as tensed, what if I miss the chance of getting back to my world? what if I am just imagining things and nothing is going to happen? What if things get worsen? What if I get back to my world but my parents won't recognize me? And what if I end up going to a new universe altogether? so many questions were popping on my head.

Three days had already passed, it was the fourth day, rain was continuous going on but till now there was no sign of any asteroid and or news. I almost finished asking everyone around me about any news regarding the asteroid, but nobody knew or even cared about this thing. Instead, they started laughing at me on my back.

I thought "why would anybody even care as no one had experienced all those things." I ignored everyone and kept waiting impatiently. I was not sure about anything but, deep inside I was still hopeful.

All my hopes started fading when nothing happened even on the fourth day and by the morning of the fifth day, the rain started to slow down. With the lesser drops of the downpour, my hopes were also getting down.

I was hoping everything only on a news and just on my previous experience, but I was unaware of any other thing. I kept watching outside while doing my work at the store, but nothing, the rain has almost stopped. "what happened ma'am, you are lost today?" my manager asked
"oh no, nothing, I am not very well today," I said
"oh, what happened?" she asked
"nothing serious, I am just unwell," I said
"why don't you go to your home and take rest." She said.
"can I do that?" I asked
"why not, you have been such an honest employee all these years, you can leave early for a day," she said and smiled
"oh, thanks a lot, you are such a sweetheart, I would be grateful to you," I said

I took my belongings and left the store. There was some slight rain on my way back. I took out my old yellow umbrella and started walking. It was afternoon time, the hardest time to get an auto. I just wanted to get back to my home as early as possible and sleep. Due to all these things I didn't even sleep properly for the last 3-4 days.

I was too tired, my eyes were burning, I kept on walking, for a moment I closed my eyes. "dhoooooooommmmmm" I heard a sonorous sound. I skipped a heartbeat with shock. I suddenly felt a very heavy load on my head, and before I could even realize what was happening, it was a blackout.

I don't remember how many hours I was lying there unconsciously, but I started gaining my senses. I slowly opened my eyes just to see two birds chirping on a stem of a huge tree under which I was lying.

At that moment I couldn't remember what happened last. I felt it was morning but not the regular one with which I was habituated all these years. I tried to get up and sat.

"Oh my head, it's burning," I said to myself.

Still, I couldn't see properly what is going on there. For a while I kept my eyes closed. I was feeling like someone is hitting on my head.

Slowly I came completely to my senses, I saw something was different, the place is different or the timing, I was trying to figure it out, suddenly my eyes fell into the phone which was on the ground along with my purse and the yellow umbrella. I looked at my clothes just to find everything so familiar. "oh no, it is the same situation when I lost everything years back.

It is the same tree under which I got blackout and woke up in a different world" I took my belongings quickly and ran towards the main road. I needed to be sure whatever I was thinking. I ran and ran and reached the main road from where we get the visibility to the tower clock. And just to get peace to my eyes I saw the clock was working in a clockwise order showing the time at 10.15 A.M.

I cried, I laughed but more I cried, I had no clue what happened, but I got all the happiness by just seeing the clock working properly. But I don't know what I would say to my parents, how will I explain everything to them. I hope they would be fine after so many years. I was not sure they will even recognize me or not. I ran towards my home, I was so happy and excited to meet them, I didn't even wait for an autorickshaw. I kept running.

I pressed the calling bell and kept pressing it till I heard someone is coming towards the door to open it. "Everything is the same, nothing has changed much since I left the place," I said to myself. I heard someone is opening the lock.

"oh dad, I am so happy to see you after all these years, I love you, Dad, I missed you a lot," I said and hugged my dad so tight.

He held me on his arms and said: "where were you, Linda? You know me and your mom were so tensed, we didn't even sleep the whole night, you didn't even pick up our calls, where were you last night?"
"what? Last night?" I said giving confused expression

"yes, were you in the store whole night due to the storm?" he asked him and to which I couldn't say anything.

"Hey, Linda, where were you last night, we were so tensed" mom came towards me while saying that and hugged me tightly.

I kept on hugging her, I was dying for this hug, I was still silent.

"Let her come inside and freshen up, she must be tired," dad said.

I nodded my head while agreeing to him. I was still confused, I was very happy but was more confused, I saw my mom blabbering something, but I couldn't concentrate on her for that moment.

Suddenly my eyes fell into the mirror hanging on the wall I saw and realized, it was me, the '30 years old' me, that means it was the same day when I woke up in a different world 13 years back.

That is why my parents asked me only about last night. Then what happened and how all this happened? Was it a dream, but how it could be? I still remember every second of that time. I was muddled.

But I was overwhelmed by the fact that at last, I reached my home; I got my parents back after so much grapple in life. If it were a dream, then it was the most horrible dream anyone could ever have.

I freshen up, ate lunch with my parents, I was ecstatic by watching them talking with me so nicely, though I couldn't concentrate on what they were talking. I was just overjoyed by being there.

"Okay mom, I am done eating, I am too tired, I just want to sleep for a while," I said to them

"Okay sweety, go and take some rest, you must be tired." Mom said and smiled.

I went to my room, I missed being in here so much. I lied down in my soft bed grabbing my soft pillow towards me. "oh, I so missed this" I said to myself. I looked around everything was the same as before.

Suddenly, I realized something was pinching on my hands, I looked at it, I saw it was my watch getting tangled to a thread attached to the pillow. "oh, I should remove the watch now" I said to myself.

I tried to remove the watch from my hand, and I looked to it and I was astounded by what I saw. It was a catastrophe, my wristwatch was moving in a reverse direction.


The end

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