The tower clock

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"Excuse me, could you please tell me, what is the time now, I think the tower clock is not working," I asked a lady passing by.

She looked at the tower clock and said:

"But the clock is alright, it's working properly, anyways, it's 12 past 7 right now"

"But wait, don't you think it's working in the opposite direction," I asked again

"No, all the clocks work like this only, what is wrong with you madam, I think you are having some problem." She said and made a strange face and left.

I thought what is wrong with the lady, can't she see, the clock was rotating absolutely in the opposite direction.

Suddenly I realized the lady was on her tracksuit, the road was empty, few people were stretching, exercising and were doing morning walk, and the time was showing 7.12, that is 7.12 A.M morning, but when I woke up, it was almost 10 A.M, how come the day was moving on the opposite direction, is it a dream or what.

Everything around me was so baffling; I was trying harder and harder to figure out what was going wrong.

Suddenly I realized I was still wearing my wristwatch on the left hand, I looked onto it working properly and showing the time 12.48 P.M, I again looked at the tower clock, I tried to concentrate harder, I looked intensely into the minute hand, second hand, everything was working in opposite direction, I looked at the hanging bell, it was oscillating in perfect equilibrium, there was nothing wrong except the opposite timing and that I was witnessing all with my own eyes, everybody was oppositely following their routine time table, people were doing their morning walks after having breakfast.

And the worst part was that except for me everyone was behaving as if it was quite a normal thing.

Suddenly something struck on my head; I looked around everywhere in the search of someplace where I can go.

I found a coffee shop on the left-hand side of the road; I rushed towards the coffee shop.

I entered the shop, saw some people were having coffee, at the cash counter 2-3 old employees were taking the orders, but there was no rush.

I needed to talk to somebody so that I could clear out things which were revolving in my mind.

But I was quite sure, nobody would understand my problem and hence I had to find someone alone.

I went to the cash counter, I ordered one coffee. The person taking my order smiled at me and handed me my cup of coffee. I took it from him and smiled at him back.

I noticed he was quite aged to work in a coffee shop. I turned around and looked for somebody alone.

At the right-hand corner table, near the window I saw an old lady sitting alone, reading a book while having her coffee. I went towards her with the coffee in my hand.

"Excuse me, ma'am, can I sit here?" I asked her

"Yes, of course, ma'am, you can" the lady replied with utmost respect.

I sat there, I looked at her, she was busy reading her book. I wanted to talk to her but was unable to start a conversation.

I noticed she was looking at her watch very frequently. I asked casually:

"Can you please tell me the time"

"Oh yes, it's 6.55 A.M." The lady said.

I wanted to say, it is morning 6.55 A.M and you are sitting in a coffee shop waiting for somebody.

Though I was not sure, I felt like she was waiting for someone. I asked again:

"Are you looking for someone?"

"Oh yes, someone is coming to pick me up," she said and smiled

"Can I ask you something?" I said

"Oh yes sure ma'am you can" she replied.

I thought for a moment, why on earth everybody is addressing me as 'ma'am' and showing me deep respect, whereas everyone around me was mostly elderly people. I backed up my thoughts and concentrated on the conversation which we could make.

"Do you know anything about the

"Asteroid?" she gave a confused look, she thought for a while and said:

"Oh, that news you are talking about?"

"I guess so, have you ever heard of the news regarding some asteroid was going to hit the earth?" I asked

"Yes, 2 days back I had seen that news, it was supposed to hit the earth yesterday, but nothing happened. You know nowadays all these fake news flash all the time, you don't worry aunty, nothing will happen, you go to your home" she said and took her coffee cup on one hand and her bag on the other and smiled at me and left.

I watched her walking slowly through the main door.

I thought for a while then suddenly something hit on my mind, I said to myself "wait, did she just call me aunty?" what the hell, she was in her 50s and she is calling me aunty.

Then suddenly I thought, why did she call me aunty? And even they have also heard the same news about the asteroid which I have seen on the news four days back.

And after that deadly storm, all these things were happening to me.

By that time, I was aware that there must be some relation with the asteroid and because of that all those things were happening.


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