𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢'𝐦 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡

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Zayn was a little overwhelmed, he didn't completely understand what had happened. Sitting in the backseat of of Harry's car with Eric on the front passenger and Harry driving really all Zayn was convinced of was that things were going to change. He didn't really know how much or in what way yet but as soon as he saw Eric in his apartment that morning, having let herself in, waking him up as gently as she could saying he needed to get packed quick cause Harry was waiting downstairs he knew things were changing.

Having freshened up and packed the little belongings he had he made it down and out the apartment to the car Eric led him to with Harry at the driver's seat. As soon as he'd sat Harry turned around to offer him a smile but by the look in his eyes Zayn knew Eric had told him everything that happened last night, Zayn didn't blame her really. It was a ludicrous thought that he was running away with people he barely even knew but he had a feeling about them.

He also saw this as probably his last opportunity at getting help. He had no idea what to say however, how he could thank these people for wanting to help a man they had never met before, for going out of their way to come get him out of his own personal purgatory.

They first drove into a quaint neighbourhood with houses that seemed to emanate a friendly and homey spirit and Zayn realised in his three years of living with Trevor their house to him always looked cold and dark like no solace lay within. Eric got out in front of one of these houses and told Zayn she would see him early the next day but she had to leave now cause she had some errands to run. Once she had left Harry turned around and with a soft voice and a smile asked him if he wanted to move to the front. Zayn slightly nodded and got out of his door and settled himself where Eric had been a few minutes ago.

Turned out Harry lived quite a bit on the outskirts of the city where the houses seemed to get bigger and fancier the further into the neighbourhood you got, they drove up a hill and eventually made it to a massive black gate, Harry entered a code and soon they were driving up a an elegant driveway to a really beautiful house. The house seemed so big though, way too big for just one person. Zayn wondered if Harry lived alone cause that had to get lonely at times. As Zayn was rounding the car to go grab his bag he was stopped by Harry who told him to make his way in and that he would get the bag instead. He could only nod cause it didn't seem like Harry was going to let on so he made his way into the large, fancy house with Harry following closely behind.

It was difficult not to be in awe at the sheer magnitude of the house but that only seemed to remind Zayn of the ridiculousness of the situation. Here was this celebrity that was going out of his way to help him. Was he really doing this just out of the kindness of his heart or were there some ulterior motives involved? Zayn didn't want to doubt Harry but he'd been in a horrible situation for three years because of the trust he had for his boyfriend and he had already known him he didn't even really know Harry. He was suddenly a little uncomfortable but he wasn't going to act on his paranoia. Harry hadn't done anything to solidify any of the thoughts swirling around in Zayn's head.

" I had a room set up for you, it's upstairs. If you'd like I could lead you up to it." Harry softly said bringing Zayn's mind back to the present and Zayn nodded which led to Harry leading him up the stairs to a room at the far left at the end of the hallway. Before Harry opened the door he turned to Zayn and said, " You're free to live here as long as you'd like or if you're uncomfortable living with me I could always set you up with a place of your own but till you decide you have this place." Zayn smiles slightly and Harry was about to open the door to lead him in when Zayn gently places his palm on Harry's arm which was outstretched and holding the door open and quietly says, " Thank you so much Harry. For everything." After Harry replies with a, " Don't mention it." They make their way into the room. It was set up beautifully albeit the walls being a little more blank than the rest of the house. Harry told him he'd left the walls that way cause he knew Zayn painted and wanted him to do whatever he wanted with the room.

After showing him where everything was Harry had left him to get settled in, Zayn sat himself on the king sized bed in the middle of the room and had a weird urge to cry, he was having a tough time wrapping his head around all that had happened. The fact that Harry had known him not even a full day and had shown more kindness to him than he had been shown in three whole years and the fact that he felt himself doubting he deserved this made him want to sob for his loss of self worth. He looked around the blank walls that Harry insisted he decorate and followed it to the artist's table sitting in the far corner of the room. Zayn really didn't understand how Harry had managed to have all of this set up with details like an artist's table all in one night. Zayn made his way to the table and looked in all the separate counter spaces to see all of them filled with different kinds of papers, paints, pencils and even spray paint. He was really overwhelmed and at some point while admiring the art supplies he had begun to cry. Once he let the tears fall there was no stopping them, he didn't know if he was crying for the lost time, for the days he knew he wasn't getting back, for the abuse he suffered so alone and lost and helpless or if it was because he had forgotten that kindness like this still existed. That there were still people in the world that did all they could to make people feel better.

At some point Zayn must have drifted off from the complete lack of rest his body had had over the past few weeks because he was woken up by the soft knocks at his door. He made his way to it realizing all over again that this wasn't a dream, he really was away from Trevor and opened the door. Harry was stood at the doorway with a cup of tea and cookies slightly smiling at him. " Mind if I come in?" Harry asked. Zayn nodded and made way for Harry to walk in. Harry sat on the couch facing the bed which was where Zayn made himself comfortable and accepted the tea and cookies Harry had handed to him, " Zayn I didn't want to rush you into this but we have to file a police report." Zayn sighed, " I know you probably don't want to talk about your suffering over the years but Eric and I will help you through the process, we will be there the whole time right by you. You're not going to be alone ever again , you've got friends now." Harry ended with a smile.
The word 'friends' warmed Zayn's heart in a way he had forgotten and he nodded back with a small smile and a timid, " I understand, thank you so much."

" Make yourself at home and have your tea, dinner will be ready in a few and I will let you know. If you need anything at all don't be afraid to come ask me okay Zayn my room is just down the hall." Zayn said he understood and said thank you again and Harry laughed and told him to stop thanking him. Zayn could never thank him enough however, he would never be able to express to him just how thankful he was to him for getting him out of a very bad situation and for basically saving his life.

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