𝐢 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬

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Hi, wanted something light and happy to celebrate Zayn's daughter's birth.
I hope ya'll like it :)

Zayn liked routine. The normalcy of it, the comings and goings of peaceful everyday life. He liked the comfort it provided.

He had a full routine going four months into staying with Harry, Harry's tour prep had really picked up so he had to be gone most of the day for different fittings and such but he made sure he went into Zayn's room every morning and told him goodbye and that would be when Zayn woke up. He let his body wake itself up in it's own pace and then made his way down for coffee. He would then draw, till he had to shower and get ready for therapy. He had asked for therapy everyday cause he liked the outlet. And as Ms.Clarke or Clara as she insists he call her would say he had gotten better at the talking bit too. He found it easier to tell her the messy bits of his life, the bits that inadvertently made him who he is.

He would then, if she was free go to Eric and Adylyn's or go back home and continue adding onto the painting he had started on his room walls. Which is what he would continue doing till Harry got back home, they ate together, filled each other in on everything that happened that day and then they would make their way to Zayn's room for a movie.

He was very pleased with the progress he had made, it wasn't that everything was better. He'd still have nightmares but none that he couldn't go back to sleep from. He hadn't woken up screaming from one in weeks. As he got ready for therapy, Harry having already left for his final fitting for a show he was performing in that day Zayn had a little something he wanted to talk to Clara about.


Zayn wasn't embarrassed easily, he was hesitant to ask for a lot or express himself too much but that was because of Trevor, it wasn't because he was embarrassed about expressing himself, especially not in front of someone he was comfortable around so it really was a mystery to him why he just couldn't find the right words to explain what he wanted to. Clara sat in front of him, as patient as ever and gave him the time to get out what he wanted at his own pace.

He started timidly, reminding himself a little of himself from a few months ago and then willed his voice to come out a little stronger. " So, Harry has this show in L.A. in a few days to celebrate the release of his new album and a few months after that he is going to go on tour. I don't know what it is but the idea of not having dinner and watching a movie with him every night  scares me a little." Zayn looked up to see his therapist write something down with a small smile on her face, he rushed to carry on, " And if he's gone his whole team's gonna go with him. Which means Eric and Adylyn will go too and I just don't know what I am meant to do."

After she was certain Zayn wasn't going to speak anymore Clara explained to him how Harry and the people he'd met through Harry had been the first people in a long time that had provided him with a sense of normalcy and she believed what Zayn was experiencing at the moment was just some separation anxiety. It was completely normal cause he associated this new, more balanced life he had made for himself with them but that was where his focus should be, he made this possible himself. Sure Harry and Eric helped him get out of the situation and sure they have helped him a lot since but he was the one who asked for help, he made that decision that made all of this possible and she said that she believed that he was a lot stronger than he thought and that he would make it on his own when Harry was touring just fine. She also suggested that he could always ask Harry to let him come along but he didn't want to come across as clingy so he dismissed that idea.

Since Harry was practicing for a performance later today Eric was home so he got dropped off at hers after therapy and was welcomed in by Adylyn. Zayn liked their place, it wasn't massive or anything. It had photographs, polaroids of all sizes, prints, film camera photos littered all over the walls along with different paintings and plants. It was homey and nice, smelled of cashmere vanilla at all times and it made you feel welcome. Even if you were stepping into the house for the first time you'd already felt like you belonged there. Over time Zayn had also learnt that Adylyn hated having her pictures taken but despite that there were so many pictures of her, them two together, them with their pets and she had explained saying,  Once you spend a long  enough time with Eric you get used to the camera.

Eric was busy with Jonas their cat when Zayn got there that day. They chatted a little as they made their way from the front door and were nearly at the lounge when they heard a large crash due to which they rushed in to find Eric on the floor with the cat tree on top of her on which Jonas sat licking her face, Adylyn burst out laughing which caused Eric to huff at her. After Adylyn had gotten Jonas and Eric started cleaning up the mess all the while mumbling about how this stupid little cat was annoying Jasper who was their dog and she just had to get involved. Adylyn just sat and watched her with a small smile on her face and Zayn saw how perfectly they balanced each other out. While Eric filled life into any room she walked into Adylyn grounded her. She must have sensed Zayn's eyes on her because she turned to him a wiggled her eyebrows in question, to which he replied with a " I think you and her are perfect together. " She smiled wide her cheeks a little redder and shrugged. Zayn thought he would like that someday, to have someone to just root you where you are. There was time however, because he wasn't anywhere near ready for another relationship. Once Eric made her way back to the lounge after cleaning up after Jonas they hung out some more and Zayn was almost completely at ease about the Harry going away situation by the time they dropped him off.

When he got back Harry was already home, sat in front of the television watching something that looked too dark to be anything other than a horror flick. As Zayn called his name to make his presence known Harry jumped a little and turned around with one hand on his chest and wide eyes, " Jesus Zayn give a man a warning would ya." The look on his face made Zayn laugh all the way to the kitchen.


They had eaten and were making their way to Zayn's room to complete the movie that had Harry scared shitless when he put his hand on Zayn's arm and stopped him. " I have something I need to discuss with you." Zayn nodded for him to continue, a little scared cause no good thought ever passes your mind when someone tells you they want to talk to you. They settle back into the couch Harry was watching the movie in and Harry turns to him as he slowly begins fumbling a little, " Well Zayn I know that before everything went down you were attending uni for art and then you know that whole thing kinda derailed  everything." Zayn wished Harry's eyes wouldn't flash with pity everytime he spoke of Zayn's past but really how could he blame him. If the roles were reversed he didn't think he would look at the other in a different way so he just nods, " So I was thinking you really are way too talented to just be painting on your own like this with anyone else barely seeing what you're able to do. Listen I spoke to a few people I know and I think I might have managed to get you back the Fine Arts seat you had lost at Central Saint Martins." Zayn just started at him dumbfounded so he continued quickly on, " They remembered you too, a few of the tutors were really emphatic on how good your work was. I just had to explain your situation to them, I didn't tell them all of it obviously. Just that you had a tough home life and it was smooth sailing from then on. Just a promise of a performance at their graduation ceremony and a tiny donation is all it took." It was obvious Harry was nervously rambling at this point cause he didn't know how Zayn felt towards what he had done behind his back. So Zayn quickly hugged him which shut him up.

Zayn was overwhelmed, here was this man that had already done so much for him. He had changed his whole life already and then he took it a step further by getting Zayn back his place at uni. He really didn't know how to thank Harry so he poured all his feelings into that hug and hoped he understood just how much he was owed. How he had litteraly saved his life. Harry was smiling when they separated and finished what he was saying a little more excitedly now that he knew Zayn was happy, " You start the next academic year so there's still a year to go but I suppose it's something to look forward to yeah." And well Zayn was crying now which obviously he was. Harry smiled, wiped his tears, threw his arms around Zayn's shoulders and leading him into his room said " What are you crying for? Come on!!! Good times all round!!! "

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