𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝

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Harry was pouting, he could almost feel his face form the expression, he was very clearly pouting. He had read somewhere how it took more effort for the muscles in your face to frown than it took them to smile and as dramatic as it sounds he could almost feel the strain. His tour had been postponed, he had just gotten off of the phone with Jeff and it wasn't looking like he was going on the road anytime soon what with a pandemic and all. He would have to be the one to break the news to the fans,he knew this but it felt like a burden he hated to be the bearer of bad news.

He did try and even out his expression when he made it back into the villa from the poolside however cause he didn't want Zayn to worry. He liked whatever this was that he had with Zayn, it was so different from any of the relationships he'd had before. He was considering this a relationship he had no clue what Zayn thought of it, he was terrified of asking really. Besides things were great as they were, he loved kissing Zayn and all of the other little things they'd done since. No one complains when they're woken up with a cheeky little wank or if a man you're deathly attracted to wants to join you in the shower, Harry was never getting tired of blowjobs in hot and steamy showers. He wasn't going to push Zayn to label them, he knew he needed his time and he was going to let him go at his pace.

He thought he was doing an amazing job of masking his expression as he passed by Zayn who was sat at the couch watching the episode of trash telly they had been watching together before Harry went out to take the call from Jeff but when Zayn followed him into the kitchen not five minutes after he made it in he knew otherwise. Zayn stood next to him and bumped his shoulder with his, " What's up?" Harry lay his head on Zayn's shoulder and shut his eyes for a second letting Zayn's warmth loosen the knot in his chest a little, " Tour's not happening." Harry knew Zayn's silence after wasn't for a lack of something to say but because Zayn knew he wanted to say more, it's weird how much he understood him sometimes, " I just, it's stupid cause it's a pandemic you know. There are more important things but I was looking forward to this so much. The shows, the fans. Last time I didn't know what to expect you know. It was my first go round without the guys and I didn't know what the turn out was gonna be like and the songs weren't like what we did in the band so I didn't really know if they'd enjoy it but this time I was more excited you know. They've been so supportive and it made me comfortable making music I wanted to make and I just- fuck I just really wanted to go...and have you there. I wanted to do that for you to take you to all of these places, I thought that might be exciting for you."

Zayn gently lifted his face so that they were looking into each other's eyes and gently placed his lips on top of his. He didn't move them at all, it was just a comfortable press of their lips. He then rested his forehead against Harry's, " It's not stupid, I've seen you light up at those shows. You are the most yourself when you're up on a stage and it's the most magical thing to watch. I am so sorry this is happening but you will go on tour, be it next year but it will happen. There will be more tours too, right up until you're 80 right?" Zayn said with a slight smile referring back to one of their conversations in bed when they were both in the cusp of sleep. Harry snorted out a slight laugh, " Yeah, right up until I'm 80." Zayn continued, " and about taking me to all of these places, you're the kindest person ever to want to do that for me but I will go whenever you ask me to, you're stuck with me for a while." Harry smiled, heart still in knots but Zayn had managed to get them undone quite a bit. He wrapped his arms around Zayn's waist and hugged him as tight as he could to try and express to him without words how thankful he was for him.


Zayn insisted Harry let him make dinner and made him sit at the counter as he worked around the kitchen stopping every now and again to place random kisses on Harry's head, Harry was soaking up the attention.

Zayn had made pasta which he insisted wasn't much but Harry really didn't know why he hadn't let Zayn cook before cause he could go for more even after his third plate. After that really heavy meal they managed to drag themselves to the couch but couldn't really do much else. Zayn just lay half on top of Harry while he played with his hair.

This was nice, Harry knew it was sickeningly domestic but he was in love with it. This relationship had a depth he hadn't felt before. Whatever this was he was going to try and hold onto it for as long as he could.

Hi, sorry this chapter was a little shorter than the rest. I promise I'll try and make the others longer.

P.S- Vote for Harry in all his nominations please.

𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 ( 𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 )Where stories live. Discover now