𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐲

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Zayn had woken up way too early that morning. It was 6 am and he had no idea why he was up. It wasn't a nightmare that had woken him up or any stimulus from the real world. He did have a weird feeling though, not a bad feeling just a weird one. Intuition of sorts, premonition if you will. He felt like something big was gonna happen that day. He hadn't the faintest clue what it might be but there was a buzzing all over, he was almost jittery with it. Now Harry's arms were still too comfortable to get out of so he wasn't going to get out of bed till Harry had woken up too.

Turns out he didn't have to wait very long because after about 15 minutes of Zayn watching the waves break at the shore line, retreat only to come back and break at the shore line again he felt a shuffling behind him. He turned just in time to see Harry fluttering his eyes open slightly, shutting and opening it a few more times before huffing out a puff of air and opening them again, " How are you up this early ?" Zayn just shrugged in response, " Woke up with the sun I guess." Harry shut his eyes and nuzzled his face deeper into the pillow which caused a strand of his hair to fall into the crevice of his eye and Zayn instinctively reached over to brush it off. He then gently ran his hand through the front of Harry's hair before running his fingers across his forehead and down his cheek, he was almost at his left dimple that was evidently deeper when he realized what he was doing. He quickly drew his hand back causing Harry's hands to fall limp on the bed which caused him to whine lightly. Zayn laughed and as he got out of bed saying, " I am just going to the bathroom quit your whining."

Once inside he took his time to evaluate what was happening. He had kept himself away, the logical part of his brain arguing that it was way too soon for any of this but it seemed to him more and more over the past week ever since Eric and Adylyn's engagement he had been leaning more into the other side, the side that thought brushing their hands when they were sat eating or stupid little games of footsie under the table or sitting cuddled up under one throw blanket all ther limbs entangled despite the existence of more throw blankets and couch room or running his fingers over Harry's skin gently while the morning sunlight streamed into their room and hit his face just right as if they were in some cheesy romance novel was the right thing to do. He was frazzled, even more so cause he wasn't afraid. He knew he probably should be but he loved whatever this was and he wasn't going to deny himself little things that brought him joy be it the early morning sun or a stupidly attractive, dorky, loveable blanket hog.

He made it back to the room to see said blanket hog now sitting and staring out the same window Zayn had been staring out of minutes prior. " It's beautiful here isn't it?" Zayn had to agree it really was, The Amalfi Coast had become his favorite place in the world. Harry continued, " We should do something tonight." He said now looking up at Zayn, excitement clear in his eyes. " Like what?" Zayn asked with a chuckle cause of the child like twinkle that had entered Harry's eyes. " I call for a picnic. A picnic on the beach. " And well how could Zayn say no to that blinding smile besides a picnic sounded wonderful.


Zayn hadn't been allowed to help so he sat back and watched Harry work around the kitchen as the place slowly filled with the most tempting smell and really who was complaining when they were getting good food without having to do any of the work. Soon he was told to go get dressed before they were both headed out hand in hand cause apparently that is also something they now did.


After a meal that was just as good as Zayn had expected and way too many glasses of wine they were laid out on the sand staring at the stars with the remnants of a laugh over something they didn't really remember any longer

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After a meal that was just as good as Zayn had expected and way too many glasses of wine they were laid out on the sand staring at the stars with the remnants of a laugh over something they didn't really remember any longer. Harry propped himself on his elbow facing Zayn and Zayn shut his eyes before slowly opening them facing Harry looking into his eyes before softly saying, " What?" Harry smiled before leaning down slightly their lips barely an inch apart now, a fact that Zayn was hyper aware of. When Harry spoke next Zayn felt his breath against where he wanted him the most, " The whole of human life is expressed in dark labyrinths. Are the labyrinths we tread everyday, calling the dreary and mundane life, really dark? Is it really impossible to know what lies ahead or at the final and eventual end of the seemingly ever winding and changing paths that seem to comsume each second of our lives? Is the sole purpose of our being really only to escape the labyrinth we've been put in or outsmart the dealer with the cards we've been dealt? Or does irrevocable and unprecedented bliss lie in the fact that we can chose to ignore the very existence of these labyrinths? " Zayn was confused. Not just cause Harry being this close was making it more difficult for him to concentrate on what Harry was saying but also because honestly what the fuck was he even saying so he just replied with a, " What?" To which Harry smiled slightly with a glint in his eye, " What if everything I am and everything I've done has led to this moment, right here with you on this beach?"

Zayn didn't know what to say so he did the one thing that was clear in his mind at the moment, he leaned up and closed the little space they had left between them and really it felt like coming home. It was a just a gentle press of their lips, testing the waters before he was backing away hoping he didn't cross a line but Harry quickly followed his lips down and they were kissing again, properly this time more desperate, right there on the beach getting sand in their hair for anyone to see. Their lips moved feverishly over one another like they'd both been waiting years for this moment right up until Harry poked his tongue out running it against Zayn's bottom lip asking for entrance when they felt the rain. It was quite sudden but none of them could be mad at it, they were almost giddy. They gathered all their things and rushed under the awning of a nearby house giggling the whole time.

The porch light above them turned on and the door opened to an old lady looking out at them questioning but not accusatory, Harry quickly delved into an explanation in whatever little Italian he said he knew, "Mi dispiace signora, eravamo fuori dalla spiaggia e siamo abbastanza lontani da casa quindi stavamo solo cercando riparo dalla pioggia."

"I am sorry ma'am, we were out by the beach and we are pretty far away from home so we were just seeking shelter from the rain."

He said some other things that apparently convinced the woman that they meant no harm cause she soon smiled brightly and said, "Oh, entra. Non devi provare a tornare a casa con questa pioggia. Ti ammalerai. Preparerò una stanza per te."

"Oh, come in. you mustn't try getting home in this rain. You will get ill. I will set up a room for you."

Which is how they found themselves in a cozy room the woman had let them stay the night in complete with a fireplace. Zayn turned from the door after having thanked the woman in English hoping she understood him just as Harry pushed him against the door, " I believe we were interrupted." Before his lips were back on Zayn's, Zayn peeled himself off of the wall and with his hands around Harry's waist led him to the bed in the middle of the room. As the back of Harry's knees hit the edge of the bed the both of them fell backwards onto the bed without breaking the kiss. Zayn had just started trailing his lips down Harry's neck when he brought his face up to face him again. Kissed him once, twice before saying, " Not today." Before kissing him a few more times and Zayn got it really. They finally took their rain soaked, sand covered clothes off and cuddled up next to each other to sleep and as Zayn pressed a kiss to Harry's chest and he felt Harry press one to the top of his head he knew he wouldn't have this any other way.

𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 ( 𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 )Where stories live. Discover now