𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞

613 50 19

Zayn was nervous, that was an understatement, he was practically shitting himself. He didn't know how Harry felt about animals, they never really discussed that, although Eric did tell him that he'd grown up with cats so it should be good but it didn't do much to ease Zayn's nerves. Growing up with cats is one thing but coming home to a house with two dogs and a cat is unexpected to say the least and Zayn could only hope Harry remained calm about this.

He couldn't possibly say no to Eric when she asked a favour of him, how could he? He owed a lot to her. She had her family come over last night with her family dog Nemo, well as she said repeatedly he was her dog but lived with her family. Regardless, he was here now. This morning however they had suddenly decided to go to Cotswolds for a weekend away at the countryside and Eric and Adylyn and now her family's animals needed caring for.

If you showed up at Zayn's door with two dogs and a cat that was already an unfair argument. So now here he was with Nemo, Jasper and Jonas, he had spent the past 45 minutes covering every surface of Harry's spare room in rags he found at the back of the supply closet he saw the maid go into every morning. God forbid they mess up Harry's probably very expensive carpets. Jasper had already pooped on the floor in the lounge, luckily for Zayn the floor there was all marble and he had been able to clean that up pretty easily. All he could do was hope no one else had pooped or peed anywhere else.


Lady luck didn't look to be in his favour however because about 15 minutes later when Harry finally got home from what must have been an exhausting day of interviews Zayn heard him call out to him right after he had heard him gasp. When he made it to the front door where Harry was he wanted to run straight past him, out into the streets cause he could see that Harry had stepped on poo, dog poo to be more specific. One of them must have done that when Zayn wasn't paying attention and now Harry was standing on it, confused and slightly red in the face.

"Umm, is there poop on our floor?" He finally asked looking up at Zayn still very confused and Zayn was about to answer, to try and explain the situation when he was interrupted by the sound of a loud bark followed by tiny feet racing on the marble floor and before either knew what had happened Harry was on the floor with Nemo licking his face who was soon followed by Jasper who was nudging and licking right by his brother. Jason followed them out but just sat by Zayn's feet while he watched the scene unfold in horror.

Harry voice came a little muffled this time, a face full of fur wasn't ideal for conversation " Umm, Zayn a little explanation would be good. " That set him into motion, Zayn rushed forward and coerced both Nemo and Jasper off of Harry and once Harry was upright rushed to the kitchen to grab tissues to clean the dog poo off of the floor while rambling an explanation. Harry hadn't really moved from his spot when Zayn made it back and started cleaning the mess at his feet. Slowly after a minute he replied with a, " Oh so these are Eric and Adylyn's animals, I've heard a lot about them. Characters aren't they?" The weight that was lifted off of Zayn's shoulders felt like an actual physical entity. As he stood there watching Harry play with the dogs and pick up Jason while doing so he felt a warmth overcome him. This man was making it very difficult for him to keep his feeling in check to keep from things moving too quickly.

Zayn cleared his throat and moved into the kitchen, moving the dishes the cook had kept ready from the microwave onto the table to give himself something to do and keep his stupid thoughts at bay. Harry finally made it in with the dogs right at his feet and Jason still in his arms nuzzling into his neck. This man really could make anyone fall in love with him, it was frustrating. Harry put Jason on the couch in the lounge and went into his room to freshen up before he ate, he had already taken the poo shoes off.


Settled in watching another movie with Harry and the animals all around them Zayn felt more at home than he had felt in a very long time. Here, watching a stupid romantic comedy that Harry suggested they watch surrounded by his best friend's animals he realised that whatever it is he felt for Harry he was now his family. Whether that was what he intended to happen when he had welcomed Zayn into his home or not this weird oddly charming man and his friends were now Zayn's family and he would never begin to understand how he had managed to get here from where his life had been.

Harry was also really impressed with how his room looked now, the painting Zayn had been working on that went all round all four walls was now complete and he was going to begin working on the ceiling soon. He had also been sketching a lot more recently and he was sure his sketches had a levity to them now. Just the strokes he used now seemed lighter, like he was drawing in leisure and not hurrying through a sketch to try and keep in touch with that part of himself before he was shrouded in darkness again.

Before Harry had entered his life he had stopped keeping track of the date because he knew the next day wasn't going to be different anyway, now however he didn't keep track of the dates cause they didn't seem to matter to him. Maybe he should have, maybe if he knew of the date that was coming up when it finally did it wasn't going to send him back into the darkness he had tried so hard to scrub off of himself.

Peace rarely lasts.

Hi, needed a lighter chapter before whatever happens next chapter. I know it's a little shorter than the rest. Sorry about that. Hope you enjoy anyway :)

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