Chapter 34

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As the holidays began, the castle became unusually empty with only a few of the students staying there for Christmas.

Albus was the only person sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall. He took a look around, admiring the festive decorations that have been put up and enjoying the quietness. It was his first time staying at Hogwarts for the holidays, which was odd, but he had to. There has been something on his mind lately and that was his only option, his only opportunity to do the thing that has been eating his mind away.

It was perfect. None of his siblings were there, none of her siblings were there, and most importantly, he wasn't there either.

Did he feel bad? Did he already feel guilty about what he was about to do? Absolutely. But he reminded himself of the fact that she would be gone soon and he had to know what it would be like. His dreams have only gotten worse over time and he was tired of holding onto a fantasy, he was tired of rereading his Dream Diary over and over again just to get a glimpse of what it felt like, just to try and relive his dreams.

She would hate him after, there was no doubt about that. He knew once it was over, she would be livid. She would probably never talk to him ever again. But he knew that once the holidays came to an end, he would keep his distance from her. He knew it wouldn't be hard, her hatred towards him would help him get over her, or at least that's what he was hoping for anyway.

He knew that Kaden wouldn't be angry with him. In fact, he was the one who suggested the idea in the first place. Apparently he didn't like that the Quidditch captain and his sister were so close, so he was hoping that after that, she would realise who she should really be with.

The boy glanced down at the little vial in his hand with a hopeful look in his eyes. Thanks to that, she would see him as something more than a little brother, she would love him. He knew it wouldn't be real, but it would certainly be more real than his dreams and fantasies.

He knew it wasn't right, it was even a bit evil, however, he was, in fact, a Slytherin. He had never done anything wrong in his entire life, but now he would live up to his house's bad reputation. He was willing to turn over to the dark side if it meant that for a while he could call her his.

After a quick glance around the Hall, he opened the vial and poured the potion in one of the mugs in front of him. He pushed it away, taking the other mug in his hands as he waited for the girl to arrive.

About a minute later he noticed some movement from the corner of his eye, making him turn towards the entrance.

There she was, walking towards him with that smile on her face that he adored so much, the one that would never be directed at him ever again after he did what he was about to do.

"Hello, Sev," she greeted him as she took a seat at the table. "Have you been waiting for long?"

Yes. I have been waiting for way too long.

"No," he shook his head. "Only a few minutes. I prepared some tea," he gestured towards the mug in front of her.

"How thoughtful," she smiled as she placed her hands around the mug, warming them.

The Ravenclaw took a look around the Hall, her eyes wandering over the decorations.

"Weird, isn't it?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" The boy frowned.

"It's so... empty. Not just the Hall, the whole castle. I know that not a lot of students stay here for the holidays, but I barely saw anyone. Maybe they are just hiding or something," she shrugged. "But I'm glad that I stayed. It's my last year, after all, I wouldn't miss spending Christmas here for the world. Plus I'll be able to use the library too, I did also stay so I could study more."

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