chapter twenty two

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The Next Morning. .

I went to bail Diamond and Apple out. "What a fine lady like you doing here" A black officer said. I gave him a look and kept minding my business. "You must be hard of hearing" He continued. "Nah I can hear just fine" I said rolling my eyes. "Black woman and y'all attitudes no wonder you down here" He spat. "Man if you don't shut the fuck up and worry about that bitch you got at home" I said spazzing. Black men always trying to put down black women like other races of women don't have attitudes. "I will lock your black ass up, do you know who I am" He threatened. "Don't give a fuck who you are that badge don't scare me" I said mugging him. He was about to say something until the other police came walking in with Apple and Diamond. I gave him an sarcastic grin. "Have a nice day" I said flipping him off as I walked out. "Bitch" Apple said hitting me. "You trying to go back to jail" She continued. "Fuck that he was to talking crazy" I said starting up the car. I looked through the rear view mirror and Diamond looked as if he had something weighing heavy on his mind. "You good Diamond?" I asked driving off. "I'm good, but can you take me by P's real quick" Diamond said. "Yea no problem" I said granting her wishes.
When we pulled up to P's, Diamond wasted no time jumping out. I peeped he was calling his phone the whole ride, but P ain't pick up. "I'll be back" Diamond said stomping off. "P done fucked up" Apple said shaking her head. "What you said" I said watching Diamond go into the apartment building. "Should we go up?" Apple questioned. "If 10 minutes pass and he not back we're going in" I said checking my time on my phone. Apple nodded and we waiting until 10 minutes passed. I say 8 minutes roll around and we heard some yelling going on. I looked at Apple and Apple looked at me. "I think their fighting" I said to Apple as we jumped out my car. We flew up them apartment building steps. First time we came over here these steps had me tired, but today these steps ain't fazing a bitch. As we got closure we heard shit being thrown. When we made it to P apartment floor everyone was standing outside their apartment watching Diamond and some other guy throw down. Diamond had the guy on the ground stomping him senseless. "Diamond" Apple yelled grabbing her cousin. "Let me go Apple" He said breathing heavy. "And you, you sick fuck" Diamond said attacking P. "I hate you" Diamond continued to rant. Tears was flowing from his eyes. "Come on Diamond" I said grabbing my sus. "Fuck this nigga" I continued trying to pull him away. I looked at the guy on the ground and Diamond dead ass fucked his shit up. Blood was all over his face. P balled his fist up. "I'm really trying my hardest not to knock yo sissy ass out" He said threatening Diamond. "Hit me bitch" Diamond said trying to break free to get to P. By this time some of P neighbors begun to pick the guy Diamond beat up off the floor. "I got some better" P said walking into his apartment. No funny shit the whole apartment floor scattered. "He going to get a gun" Apple said. "Let's fucking go Diamond" She yelled. P came back waving his gun at Diamond. "Get from over here sissy nigga" P spat cocking his gun. "Shoot me I don't give a fuck I'm already dead in my eyes" Diamond said crying. P looked between me and Apple and put the gun down. He gave Diamond one last look and walked away. "No" Diamond yelled chasing after P. P slammed the door in his face then Diamond started banging on the door. "Fuck you P" Diamond said on his knees smacking the door with his hand. "Diamond baby please come on before these people call the police and we be back in jail" I said. Diamond stood up and tried to wipe some tears away. He looked me in my eyes and walked by me.
When we got back to the car Dimond broke down again. "He ruined my life" Diamond whispered. "Whats going on Diamond" Apple said looking back at him. "He gave me HIV" Diamond said softly. "When did you find this out?" I asked. "Last night" He said sniffling. "Some dude in the holding cell said P been positive for years" He continued shaking his head. "He could of been lying Diamond" Apple said. "The look on that man face Apple I knew he wasn't lying" Diamond said. "Not only did he give him HIV he gave his old time best-friend aids as well" He continued. "That sick fuck" I spat getting mad. "What did P say?" Apple asked. Diamond shook his head. "I called him from the jail phone to tell him what I heard and that's when I heard someone in his background. He acted clueless and rushed me off the phone" He said. "Something in me already knew he was fucking someone else and when opened the door and seen me he already knew what it was" Diamond continued. "I asked him did he have aids and the look on his face said it all" He said. "He has that shit and I didn't even think I just did and started beating the shit out of that guy" Diamond said looking helpless. "Just because he has it and those two guys have it doesn't mean you do" I said. "I didn't notice the symptoms before because I wouldn't expect P to have HIV but now that I think about it the symptoms been there" Diamond said. "We're going to get you checked" I said starting the car. "No they don't give a fuck about people like me" Diamond hissed. "I've been going this long I can go longer that medicine gone kill me faster" Diamond continued. Apple started to cry. "Your all the family I really got Diamond I can't loose you" Apple said. "My bitch good right?" I said looking at Diamond through the rear-view mirror. "Right" Diamond said dryly. "You alive and you not going anywhere, either of us not leaving no time soon" I said trying to brighten their spirits. Everyday day it's something, we can never get a break.
At this point, the best thing for us to do is get far away from here.

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