chapter twenty five

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Final Chapter.

"You look good tonight" Kash said in my ear as he kissed my neck slowly. I know I'm on a mission but damn he was turning me on. I let him rub my pussy through my panties. I couldn't help but left off soft moans. We was still parked inside the garage. Haven't even made it out the car yet and he trying to feel my insides. "Let's go inside" I said to a dog whose in heat. He looked up at me and I can tell he wanted me bad. "Okay" He said trying to get his hormones under control. I waited until he got out then I got out. He unlocked the door and we walked in. Soon as I stepped in you couldn't help but notice that camera above your head. Kash locked the door behind me and made me walk through the house first. "Shouldn't the man walk through first to make sure there isn't any bad guys" I said trying to keep my original plan. "I'm that bad guy that other bad guys don't try Nina" He said grabbing a huge chunk of my ass. "You should know that" He added along with a nice slap on my ass. I let him talk his shit and feel good about himself till we made it to the bedroom. Kash wasted money time sliding his shoes and hat off. As he started to get undressed I needed an excuse to get that garage door unlocked. He then grabbed me and pulled me close to his half naked body. "We want you so bad" Kash said referring to his big package. I grabbed a hold of it and gave it soft strokes. "How bad you want me daddy" I said speeding up the pace. "Real bad" He said throwing his head back while I beat his dick. I did it for a good two minutes and thats when he took a seat and started to really feel it. Then that's when I had to go in for the buzz kill. "I forgot my phone in the car" I said. "So" He said making a face. "I need it for Apple she got the kids tonight" I said making up an excuse. He smacked his lips. "Okay hurry up" He said passing me the keys. "Okay" I said basically running out the room. When I got to the garage door I didn't just unlock it I went out and pretended to really get my phone just Incase Kash is watching and listening. When I came in I turned the lock and turned it back then made my way back up stairs. "Took you long enough" He said smiling. "You watched me the whole time it ain't take that long" I said making a honest joke. "Had to make sure no bad guys was around" He said being funny back. Laugh now cry later was all I thought about as I hopped on him. He then flipped me over and started to undress me.  He climbed on top of me and started to kiss my body down. He was about to go down on me until his phone started ringing. He let it ring on through and kept teasing me. That's when another call came through. "Just answer it" I said passing him his phone. He was aggravated until he seen who was calling him and his mood changed. "Hold on" he said walking inside the bathroom in the room. I heard him say Hello then the door closed slowly. I quickly pulled out my phone and told Apple that she can head this way and I'll send her another text for her and Diamond to come on in. After I sent that text I placed my phone on silent and put it back in my purse. Seconds later Kash came out the bathroom and started back touching all over me. That's when his phone started ringing again. He declined it and cut his phone completely off. "You good?" I asked peeping his mood change. I asked as through the phone behind my head. "Yea" He said lying. I knew he was in his feelings over ol girl but right now I could honestly care less. I wish him and that bitch the best. My feelings for Kash are long gone. "Then fuck me" I said pulling him onto me. I kissed his lips hungrily. He slid my panties off while I undid my bra revealing my perky breasts and hardened nipples. He then entered me slowly but deep. He let out a moan in my ear and started to pound my pussy. He looked me in my eyes with every stroke making me feel every inch. I bit my lip taking every inch. He then flipped me over with the dick still inside. Ass up face down was how I liked it and he knew just that. Kash was the man when it came to sex. That's probably about the only thing I'll miss about this nigga. He pounded my pussy some more. Pulling my body closer to his body by my neck digging deeper in me. "Yes Kash fuck me" I moaned out as he destroyed my insides.  15 minutes later he melted inside of me and passed out beside me breathing heavy. "Damn your pussy the only pussy that get me sleepy" He said. "You know I got that K.O" I said looking at him. He pulled me close and snuggled under me. We had a small conversation then Kash was out like a light. I waited for a good minute until I heard he was in a deep sleep. I eased out of his grip grabbed my bra and panties and tip-toed to the bathroom. I got dressed and went searching for what I seen last time. I checked under there and noticed he moved it. "Fuck" I whispered in frustration. I tried to think hard and long on where if I was Kash where would I put something like that. So I searched the closet first. Taking my time not making no type of noise. After checking the whole room I started to give up. Basically doing all this for nothing was what I was feeling until I took a step back onto a loose floor board up under the carpet. "He didn't" I said stepping on it again making sure. "Slick bitch" I said smiling. I gave Apple the green light and climbed back in the bed with Kash. I grabbed Kash phone and hid it inside my purse. 45 minutes later, I heard something fall and shatter. Kash jumped up immediately. "You heard that" He said. "Yea" I said acting scared.  He got up and reached up under the bed and grabbed his gun. "Stay here" He said walking towards the door. "I'm coming too" I said jumping off the bed. When Kash opened the door you couldn't help but hear voices down stairs. Kash cut the hall light on. When I seen he was fully out the room I reached in my purse and grabbed my gun and walked behind Kash slowly hiding my gun. "Kash" the girl voice said I quickly seen it was his girlfriend. "What you doing here" Kash said in awe as he lowered his gun. "I thought you was a nigga trying to get me" He added. "We need to talk" she said. I seen her shadow move so I took a step back and I guess she seen my shadow and shit turned left quick. "Who the fuck" She yelled. "Chill bae" Lash said grabbing her. I stood there watching her try to get out of Kash hold. "I'm a kill you bitch" she yelled. "You not bitch" I heard Apple say pointing her gun at Kash. Diamond came right around and pointed his as well. "Nina" Kash said quickly raising his gun at me. I lifted my gun. "Pull the trigger" I said making him realize the clip was gone. Kash looked as if he wanted to cry. His girlfriend was boiling. "See what happens when you think with your dick" She shot at Kash. "I could of told you that" I said walking off the steps. "Now move" Apple demanded Kash and his bitch. They did as they was told and took a seat on the couch. Diamond passed me a duffle bag. "I'll be back" I said running up stairs. I put on my pants, shirt and shoes. I then slung the rug back and pulled up the floor board. It was 3 duffle bags filled already. I didn't even open the bags I straight pulled each bag out and tossed one by one down the stairs. "You gone let them take your shit and not do nothing" Kash girlfriend yelled. "What the fuck am I going to do with two guns pointing in our damn faces" Kash shot at her. "And you, you dirty ass bitch" He said looking at me. "Your dead to me you better hope you kill me" He threatened. "Fuck you Kash" I simply said. "No fuck you Nina I would never guess in a million years you the one who be doing something to me like this" He said. "You mad because I moved on that bitter bitch shit" He shot at me.
That struck a nerve.
"Bitter?" I questioned. "Nigga I gave my whole life up for you, you ungrateful son-of-a-bitch" I shot at him. "And who fault is that, EXACTLY YOURS" He shouted. "I never told you to dedicate your whole fucking life towards me shorty that was your doing now you mad. What? Trying to get revenge or something like what in the actual fuck is going on in that little brain of yours" He continued talking mad shit. "Yea and bitch you never not once told me not to be all about you, fuck is you saying all I know is you I have no family or nothing just you" I said holding back my tears. "You did to us Kash you basically laughed in my fucking face while you fucked off and did me wrong" I added. "Was I not good enough for you to keep your dick to yourself for once and think about how I felt for a change" I continued. "At this point I don't give a fuck about you and I'm happy I moved on you was a mistake from the beginning didn't do shit but take from me and look at you still taking like I said your bitter and ain't gone never amount to shit but a whore" He said cutting deep. I don't know but I saw red and slapped the dog shit out of him with my gun. His head started bleeding immediately. "I hate you" I said to him. "I hate you too dirty bitch" Kash said holding his head trying to stop the blood. That's when his girlfriend charged at me making me drop my gun. That's when Apple jumped in and started yanking girl hair. Diamond tried to break us up and left Kash unoccupied. I don't know how but Kash grabbed my gun and pointed it at my head. "All three of you bitches get the fuck out my house before I do some redecorating" Kash threatened waving the gun at me Apple and Diamond. Diamond lifted his gun. "Don't do nothing crazy Kash" Diamond said. That's when another voice came in. "Y'all bitches sure do know how to ruin some shit" the voice said. I looked up and it was P and his cousin. His cousin had a pump shotgun and it was aimed right on Kash. "Who the fuck is y'all niggas?" Kash asked. "You said it we them niggas now where is my money" P demanded. I looked at Apple and she looked at me. Then made eye contact with her gun by the couch on the floor. "I don't know what you talking about" Kash said. "You right" P said turning towards Diamond. "Where's my money" He shouted at Diamond. Diamond had this weird look in his eyes that I knew I to snap him back to reality or we might all die tonight. "Your money right over there" Diamond said pointing toward the duffle bag. "You must be trying to die tonight nigga ain't none of this shit leaving" Kash said. I guess P thought shit was sweet and tried to grab a bag and that's when Kash emptied the clip and P cousin shot back. I got the fuck out the way trying to dodge bullets. Once I heard the bullets stop I quickly checked to see if I was hit and stood up. Kash girlfriend died immediately she had a gun shot womb to the head. P and his cousin made it out because I seen a trail of blood going out the garage door. "No" Apple screamed over Diamond. "Wake up cousin" She said holding his lifeless body. I ran over and tried to help her pull Diamond up. "Diamond wake up baby" I said trying to do CPR. Apple screamed in tears. That's when I heard sirens. "Apple we gotta go" I said grabbing two duffle bags. "I can't leave him" Nina. "Help me" She cried. "He is dead Apple we have to go or we will go to jail" I yelled. I grabbed the gun Diamond held tight in his hands and the gun Apple had. I stepped over Kash and seen he was still breathing. He watched my every move as he took short fast breaths. I looked down at him and spit right on him.
As we was leaving the scene polices started pulling up left to right. I looked at Apple and she was out of it just stable enough. We went next door to the neighbor who was keeping the twins. I gave them a stack of money and thanked them.

Once in the car I pulled off and never looked back only thing I could think of was Diamond

To be continued. . .

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