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collette.bright: oh hi! yeah i'm your new assistant don't worry!

Oh god, too many exclamation points.

tomholland2013: Aw awesome! Well, can't wait to start working with you on Friday! I was thinking we could go to a pub or something and get to know each other since we'll be with each other a lot. Is that okay?

Oh my god, oh my god. I gulped, still in shock that I was texting him let alone going out alone with him.

collette.bright: sounds great! can't wait x

Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. Why did I put an 'x' I don't even know him!

tomholland2013: See you on Friday x

Oh...okay. He put an 'x' too. I don't know whether to cry with utter humiliation or dance around over the fact that Tom Holland just sent me an 'x'.

collette.bright: see ya x

I sighed with relief that the stressful situation was over. He liked my message and that was it. My first message with him. That's the first step. First message, first meet, first...date? Could you even call it that?
God, thinking about going out alone with him scares me a little. Not because of anything bad, just because I'm extremely awkward and un-smooth around attractive me, let alone famous attractive men.

But everything will be fine...


I had put some thought into my outfit

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I had put some thought into my outfit. I didn't want to seem basic, or too uptight, or too chill. I wanted to seem chill as in a girl he could see as being his friend but not pyjamas or anything. But after about an hour or rummaging through my clothes I had constructed the perfect travelling outfit.

"Okay that's the last of it. I just have my handbag and we're done!" I brushed my hands together and sat them on my hip, looking around the somewhat empty apartment.

"This makes me realise how much shit you had." Oona giggled and wrapped an arm around my neck.

"I'm gonna miss you, hun." She rested her head against mine.

"I'm gonna miss you too." I sighed.

Our buzzer went off and I rushed to it, pressing the mic button.

"It's Laura. We're outside, do you need help with your bags?" Tom's publicist spoke.

"No it's okay, we've got it. We'll be right out." I responded.

We all grabbed as many bags and suitcases as we could and brought them all outside. A blacked out Range Rover awaited me as we dumped my bags on the pavement.

"Nice to actually meet you!" Laura brought me in for a warm hug. Her gold bracelets jangled and her distinct perfume filled my nose.

"Are you excited?" She asked as we pulled away.

"Yeah and a little nervous." I laughed softly.

"No need to be. Tom is great and insisted on you staying with him in his private house in Berlin." She smiled.

Anxiety bubbled in my stomach.

"I'll be living with Tom?" I asked, my voice slightly shaky.

"Of course! He'll need you there nearly all the time. He's a relatively good roommate, don't worry." She laughed.

I nervously chuckled and looked back at Oona and Will who were still in awe of everything happening.

"Well...I guess this is bye for now." I pouted my lips sadly as I walked up to Oona.

"Ugh, I love you." She pulled me in for an extremely tight hug.

We swayed back and forth and my eyes welled up slightly.

"I'll call you tonight." I sniffled and pulled away.

"Okay." She smiled.

"Bye, Will...you two have fun." I giggled and winked at them both.

Oona gave me a death glare while Will laughed and wrapped his strong arm around her neck.

"Ready?" Laura asked.

"As I'll ever be." I smiled and she opened the car door for me.

I got in and slid right over and Laura followed. The driver finished packing the boot and got in the driver's seat and set off.

"Bye! I love you!" I waved out the window.

They waved back and that was it. The start of my new life was a car and plane journey away.


"This is...this is for me?" I stopped in my tracks when I saw the private plane.

"Yeah! Come on, I'll show you. It's super cool." She lead me onto the plane.

We walked up the stairs and were greeted by the pilot who said hello to us. We walked in and it was unreal. It was so upper class. I felt so fancy.

"Just make yourself comfortable! The flight is around 2 hours so it's not too bad but there's wifi you can connect to and food will be here shortly." She smiled and gestured for me to sit down.

Awkwardly, I sat down in one of the cream coloured leather seats. I sat my handbag on the floor and brought out my phone, connecting to the wifi. I had already gotten a message from Tom.

tomholland2013: Hey, hope you have a safe flight. I'm filming right now but I'll be at the house for when you get home where you can freshen up before we go out. Sound good? x

Butterflies awoke in my stomach as I read the message over and over again.
God stop, Cole. He's your boss now.

collette.bright: sounds great :) x

Tom's POV

"Mate, stop stalking her!" Harry hit me over the head.

"I'm not!" I defended.

"Yes you are! She's your new assistant, Tom, you can't like her like that." Harry scolded as he sat down next to me on his own set chair.

"I don't and I won't ever. I'm just being nice." I shrugged.

"Tom to set please!" The directors assistant shouted.

I shut my phone off and sat it on my set chair, hopping up and walking away from Harry.

"I'll let you know if your girlfriend texts back!" He called after me.

I didn't turn around, I just gave him the finger. I couldn't like her like that. She was my new assistant and I didn't even know her! Maybe things would change tonight...

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