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(sorry this is quite short!)

It was the next morning and Tom's phone alarm woke us up bright and early. I groaned as he lifted his arm from around my waist to shut his phone up. He stopped the alarm and sighed, cuddling back into me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"We have to get up, Tom." I yawned.

"2 more minutes."

"2 minutes are going to turn to 20 real quick, come on." I tapped his arm and sat up, wiping my tired eyes.

"I'll order breakfast." I smiled weakly and leaned over to the phone on the bedside table.

"I'm going to the loo." He announced, getting out of bed butt ass naked and hobbling to the bathroom.

I giggled and just as I was about to order room service the elevator dinged and the doors opened. I gasped and wrapped the thin bedsheet around me. I was fucking naked who was in our suite at 6 am?

"Tom? Cole? It's your favourite pair!" I heard Harry's voice.

I sighed in relief and wobbled to the staircase, holding the bedsheet tightly around me and looking down. They were fully dressed and had their bags ready to go.

"You guys are up early." I laughed lightly.

"First day," Sam shrugged.

"Where's Tom? Oh..." Harry's mouth curved up into a smile when he came up the stairs and saw what I was wearing.

"He's in the bathroom." I rolled my eyes and went back to sit on the bed.

The boys came up and leaned on the balcony of the second floor, waiting for Tom. They both eyed the room, the underwear and clothes thrown in different parts of the room. I smiled awkwardly at them.

We heard the shower turn on and then the bathroom door opened.

"Wanna save some water and come in with m- OH MY GOD!"

"TOM HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD!" Harry shouted, covering his eyes.

"Jesus christ, Tom!" Sam laughed, doing the same.

I burst into laughter and watched Tom grab the closest towel near him which was a washcloth and hold it over his area. It just covered it.

"WHY ARE YOU GUYS HERE?!" Tom asked in a panic.

"SAM'S YOUR CATERER!" Harry shouted.

"Fuck, I forgot about that." Tom sighed.

"Sam, go down and do your amazing cooking and Harry...let us know when you're coming..." I said to them with a smile.

"Will do."


We got ready and headed to the set in Barcelona. The first day. I was excited to see everyone again and get back into it.

We turned up and were greeted with just about everyone. I immediately found the girls and we all hugged and talked about our journeys and everything really.

Tom and I had decided to keep our relationship on the down low and only tell people close to us. And I trusted the girls, so...

"I KNEW IT!" Phoebe gasped.

"Oh my god!" Natasha squealed.

"Just keep it on the down low, alright? We don't want everyone knowing, it's still early doors."

"Oh my god, you're in love." Jessica pouted.

"Hows the sex?" Phoebe asked.

"Phoebe!...how is it?" Natasha smiled.

I laughed, "I don't kiss and tell guys!"

They paused, waiting for me to continue.

"But I do fuck and not shut up, oh my god it is mind-blowingly good. It's so different to what I've experienced before which is limited but still."

"He seems like that kind of guy so I'm not surprised." Jessica smiled.

"I'm jealous!" Phoebe said.

I smiled and felt a sense of pride. I was dating Tom. Me. No one else. All those girls at work pining after him didn't have a chance. The millions of girls and boys who love him don't have a chance. Just me.


It was an extremely long day of wire-work an action shots for Tom and a lot of water fetching and sports massages for me.

Tom's phone pinged as we got into the car and we drove off. He brought out his phone and I didn't want to be nosy so I didn't bother looking.

"Shit...shit, shit, shit...." Tom repeated, frantically scrolling and then typing on his phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

But then my heart fell to my stomach when my phone started going off like mad in my jeans pocket. I looked at Tom with wide eyes and I put my hand over my mouth.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I cursed.

"What happened?" Harry asked, giving us a concerned look.

I gulped, "People know about us."

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