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We got on set and I was introduced to everyone that Tom talked to or interacted with and I found it a little overwhelming. Tom, Harry, Sam and I all went into his trailer which looked nicer than my flat back home to be honest.

"This is Racheal my amazing makeup artist and hairstylist." Tom smiled.

"Hi! I'm Collette but you can call me Cole." I smiled, reaching a hand out for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you! You're Tom's new assistant right?" She asked, shaking my hand.

"Yes I am."

"Well, you have your hands full, but he's great." We let go and she placed her hands on her hips.

Tom sat up on a set chair in front of a big mirror with hair stuff and makeup splayed all over the countertop. I sat down on the couch behind him with Harry and Sam and took out my clipboard with my notes out.

"Okay so I've already arranged the car for us and Sam is making," I turned to Sam.

"Pesto." He said, looking up from his phone.

"For dinner," I continued.
"And then we have to go over some stuff tonight but we have plenty of time." I smiled.

"Wow, you're a lot better than Harrison." Racheal laughed.

"I mean he wasn't bad, he's just more of my best friend than an assistant." Tom said.

"Well, I bet you two will be two peas in a pod after this week." Racheal smiled, tapping some powder off her brush before sweeping it against Tom's cheeks.

"We all get along well so far." I said warily, not wanting to assume things.

"Yeah, you fit right in, love." Harry nudged me with his shoulder.

I gave him a smile and looked at Tom through the mirror.

"Yeah, you do." He smiled shyly at me before clearing his throat and asking Racheal what was happening with her.

After Tom got dressed and got all his makeup and hair done, we all walked to the set where they were doing some stunts. The man walking our way caught my attention.

"Hey, man!" Tom greeted him in a bro hug before turning to me.

"This is Collette, my new assistant. Cole, this is Mark." Tom smiled.

"H-Hi, just call me Cole." I stuttered nervously, holding my hand out for Mark to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Cole, I'm Mark." He said kindly, shaking my hand.

Mark Whalberg just shook my hand.

"You're from England too?" Mark asked, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, in London the same as Tom." I nodded.

"That's handy, when you go back home you can still work together." Mark smiled at the both of us.

Tom and I shared a look. We hadn't even thought about that. This was a temp job - just for Berlin...for now anyway.

We got to the main set where Tom and Mark would be filming. Harry was tagging along, taking pictures with one camera and filming some stuff with another.

"Okay, I'm going to be on set for a few hours now with only a few breaks before lunch so I just need like 5 bottles of water and a towel." Tom asked me.

"Yes, no problem." I nodded.

"Great, thank you!" He thanked as he walked onto the main set.

I sat all my stuff down at Harry and I's spot and then ventured off to find some water. And I got lost in about 2 seconds. I eventually found a man who was crouching next to a prop and sanding it down. He obviously worked here.

"Excuse me?" I coughed lightly.

He turned around and stood up to face me.

"Sorry to bother you but do you know where I could find bottles of water?" God I felt so stupid asking such a simple question.

He licked his lips, smirking and looked me up and down. "New here?" He asked cockily.

I cringed. He was taller than me and quite muscular and had an American accent. I swallowed nervously and spoke again.

"Yeah." I squeaked.

"What department are you in?" He asked, moving closer to me.

I stepped back, "Umm-" I wasn't really in a department was I?

"Listen, all I need is some water bottles. Where can I find them?" I re-asked, looking at my feet.

"I'll take you to where they are, don't worry." He said with a smug grin, reaching an arm out.

"Hey!" I ripped my hand away when he tried to grab it.
He reached out again.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I skipped backwards, away from him.

"Hey!" A shout echoed throughout the set from behind me and I knew who it was immediately.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK.

"What the hell are you doing, huh?" Tom shouted, careening past me and going face to face with the man who was taller and more muscular than him but Tom had power.

"I was just going to show her to the kitchen, man!" He held his hands up as if he was surrendering.

"And you thought grabbing her was appropriate?" Tom pushed.

"I- I don't-"

"Get the hell off this set. Don't ever make a woman feel uncomfortable like that or touch a girl unwarrented ever again." Tom spat.
"Apologise." Tom demanded.

The guy sheepishly walked past Tom and to me, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

I held back a laugh, he was like a primary school kid getting into trouble.

"Good. Now leave this set right now." Tom said firmly.

Two security members grabbed the guy and escorted him out.

"You okay? Did he hurt you?" Tom asked immediately, turning to me and placing his hands softly on my arms.

"Yeah, it was just...uncomfortable." I swallowed.

"Don't worry about him, alright? Or any guy. No one's going to fuck with you now." He smiled a little.

I scoffed a laugh. "I still need to find your water."

He chuckled, "It's just up that corridor to the right. Sorry, I should've told you."

"No, no, don't worry about it." I smiled.

"Okay well..." He lingered, not wanting to just abruptly leave after that but he had to.

"Go, don't worry. I'll be fine. I'll just take Harry everywhere." I giggled.

"Okay...okay, cool. You sure you're okay?" He asked, his deep chocolate coloured eyes looking into my now seemingly average ones.

"Y-yeah. I'm okay." I smiled.

"If you need me to punch a guy just call me." He half-joked as he started walking away.

"Will do, Spiderman." I smirked.

He licked his lips and smiled, wanting to retaliate but deciding against it, returning back to his job.

I couldn't deny that all the 'standing up for me' made me feel more attracted to him. And the way he cared about me despite only knowing me for three days. Oh god, I was crushing on my boss. I huffed and resumed my mission to get the bottles of water with nothing but Tom on my mind.

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