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I chugged the huge bottle of water faster than any drink ever. And I felt myself becoming more sober with every step we took out of the club and every long goodbye that was dragged on way too much by people who wanted to talk to Tom. But soon we were out of the club and sprinted into the car and Tom told the driver to go. Fast.

"Feel like James Bond yet?" I asked him with an adrenaline based grin.

"Starting to." He grinned back at me.

"I mean...I definitely have the girl." He licked his lips and smirked, resting a hand on my bare thigh.

I swallowed and looked at Tom's wandering eyes before saying to the driver, "Could you close the panel, please?"

Tom smiled at me and the driver nodded, the panel slowly going up to block us off.

"I love you." He shook his head with a smile.

"I love you." I smiled back.

He launched at me, our teeth clashing and our lips dancing together, our tongues swirling sensually in each other's mouths. I pushed him back slightly and swung a leg over his lap so I was straddling him. He gripped my hips, squeezing the fat around them and I tugged his hair. He groaned into my mouth when I began to grind down on him through his jeans. He moved his kisses from my mouth to my jaw, sucking, licking and nibbling all down my neck until he found that one spot that felt extremely good. I let out a moan and Tom stopped for a nanosecond, both of us aware that the driver may not be able to see us but he could definitely hear us. But...we didn't care. He kissed and sucked on that spot, undoubtedly leaving a bruised mark on my skin. I leaned my head back in pleasure, my hips still grinding on his crotch and his tongue working on my skin.

I don't know if the ride seemed longer on the way there or Russell really was driving fast or what but soon the car broke and Russell cleared his throat before telling us we were at the hotel. We thanked him briefly and I got off of Tom, rushing to open the door and get out. But, alas, the paps were there once more. I jumped as the shouts erupted from the crowd of them and flashes went off. Tom quickly came to my rescue, placing his hand on the small of my back before leading me into the hotel.

I thanked him and we skipped to the elevator at the end of the lobby, pressing the button and waiting for it to ding.

We both gleamed in joy when the lift doors opened and we hopped in. Empty elevator.

We clicked the top floor button and giddily looked at each other.

"Wait! Hold the lift!" A woman shouted.

I quickly opened the doors back up and a group of two older men and two older women thanked us before coming into the lift and clicking their floor. The floor right below us.

Tom and I both sighed when we realised we'd have to wait longer to get all over each other. The lift began to rise and Tom cleared his throat, bending down to the floor to do what seemed like tying his shoelaces.


But I gasped quietly, feeling his hand brush my ankle. I cleared my throat and clenched my jaw. He dragged his hand up my leg and my thigh until he reached right below my core. I couldn't help but love the thrill of it all; his hand dangerously close to my core while four others were in the lift - completely oblivious to how I was melting under his touch.

Then I felt his fingers move my pants to one side and slip a finger in my entrance. I gasped audibly and gripped Toms arm. The others looked at me with furrowed brows before turning back to the front.

The New Girlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن