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Cole's POV

I was up and dressed early the next morning, a sense of optimism and hope in the air. It was warm outside so I put on a black sports skirt that was technically shorts but looked like a skirt, a black zip up cropped sports topped that was long-sleeved and my usual black trainers. I put my hair in a high ponytail and only put on some mascara. I grabbed my usual 'assistant' bag and my phone and headed out of my room and into the living room. Tom was leaning against a pillar looking at his phone. He was wearing a red golf top, black trousers and black and white golf shoes paired with a black baseball hat that perched comfortably on top of his head of chocolate curls.

"Hey." I smiled.

He looked up at me and fumbled with his phone to put it away in his pocket and stood up from the pillar.

"Ready to go?" He asked, a slight nervous voice crack slipping through.

"Yep." I nodded.

He directed me to the front door and opened it for me. I thanked him and he called out to the twins that we were leaving before grabbing his golf bag and walking out behind me to the car.
We got into the car and sat at either side, leaving the middle seat empty. We started driving away and the air still felt awkward but both of us were trying to figure out how to relieve it.

"H-How did you sleep?" Tom finally asked.

"Good! How did you sleep?" I answered a little too quickly.


A painful pause.

"It's a gorgeous day." I smiled with a nod.

"Yeah it's...warm." Tom swallowed.

The driver obviously noticed our awkward energy and turned the radio up a little. I cringed to myself and faced the window for the rest of the journey.

When we finally got to the golf course we both got out and I waited on Tom to get his clubs out of the boot and then we walked together into the very prestigious golf clubhouse. Tom raised a hand to a group of 5 men standing in a small group. They all varied in age. One guy looked about our age and it went older until a guy probably in his late 50's.

"Tom! Nice to see you again." The oldest guy spoke in a very strong American accent.

They all greeted each other in the way men do before the group turned to me.

"Wow, Tom. Quite the caddy you have here." One of the older men laughed, licking his lips, looking me up and down.

"This is Collette, my amazing assistant." Tom introduced me.

"Hi, nice to meet you all." I smiled, shaking each one of their hands.

"Lovely to meet you, Collette." The man about our age said lastly, shaking my hand softly with rather intense eye contact.

This seemed rather professional so I didn't ask them to call me Cole because it seemed slightly inappropriate. After they all had some basic small talk, we finally moved outside where they started to play. I stood at the sidelines with the guys caddy's. Tom was given a young, teenage caddy who was extremely excited about meeting him. I felt extremely out of place. I was the only girl in a group of 11 men. The caddy's were quite nice, though we couldn't conversate much as they had jobs to do. I was just a tag along.

All the other guys went first, hurling their first golf ball into the air and watching it land in different areas. How people found this entertaining was beyond me. Next up was Tom. His caddy gave him his desired club and moved back next to me. He sat the ball on the tee and lined himself up, swaying side to side and practising before he actually lined himself up and concentrated. He finally swung the club and hit the ball with some force. We all watched closely as it landed on the green. We all clapped and I found myself smiling with pride and delight. It was time to walk all the way down and I walked up to Tom.

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