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Missed call from Tom

Tom: Call me back.

Tom: Cole, please call me back

Tom: I just want to talk!


Call ignored.

Missed call from Tom

Tom: Cole please!

Tom: Call me!


I ignored him throughout work. I wasn't in the mood to talk and I especially didn't want to argue in front of my colleagues. I soon got home and threw my bag on the floor and immediately changed into my pyjamas. I turned my phone back on hesitantly and watched as the apple logo pop up and then flashed to my lockscreen.

46 unread messages.


I opened my phone and scrolled through the messages.

Tom: Cole, why aren't you calling me back?

Tom: At least text me.

Tom: Please stop ignoring me!

Tom: Cole please!

Tom: I was drunk! I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything!

Tom: Cole come on! Call me back!!!!

I sighed as I looked at all the texts I suddenly felt extreme guilt and gulped as my finger hovered over the call button.

Just call him, Cole.

I closed my eyes and clicked the call button, bringing the phone to my ear and nervously waiting for the monotone beeps to stop.

"Cole?!" Tom finally answered.

"Hey..." I coughed awkwardly.

"Y-You're calling me."

"Yeah. I uh...I shouldn't have ignored you I was just mad."

You're so fucking bad at apologies.

"I know you were and I'm so so sorry. I don't know why I would ever think you were cheating on me I don't know why I even said that. I was drunk last night and I was just angry that we hadn't spoke, that's all." He sighed like he was relieved.

"It's okay, I get it. I've been a pretty shit girlfriend lately." I chuckled self-depreciatingly.

"Hey, you haven't. I was just being an asshole last night."

I smiled, "Yup."

He chuckled a little and for the first time, the silence was awkward and uncomfortable.

"Uh...so uni? Tell me about that." Tom coughed.

"Oh yeah. Well I applied to a few courses English literature courses yesterday so hopefully I'll get at least one of them." I fiddled with the string on my pyjama bottoms.

"That's amazing. When are you getting the answers for them?"

"Uh around Christmas."

"Good...that's good."

Awkward silence.

"So how's filming going?" I managed to ask.

"Great! It's fun. I missed the cast."

"That's good." I sighed.


"You're still good to come to the wedding at Christmas, right?" Tom asked.

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