Draupadi's swayamvar

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Devi P.O.V.-

After we left from the rakshas kingdom, we went to Panchal. Pandavs and I decided to go to the village and see what food we could get with the gold coins we had. That was when we saw her, the princess of Panchal. All the brothers were shamelessly staring at her. I looked up and Arya was as well. I did not say anything, but inside I was crushed. They finally broke out of their trance, but were still looking at her as we continued walking.

" Is that the princess?She looked divine! The most beautiful person on the planet.",  Arjun said

I looked up to see all of them nod, including Arya.

They continued talking, but I hid my face, because my eyes were swelling up with tears. We got the food and started coming back home. We happened to see her again, and of course, they went back into a trance. I really wanted to shake them out but I did not. I just said I would hurry back home and left.

The next day:

I woke up fresh. I remembered yesterday and looked at Arya, who was still sleeping. I just left without kissing his forehead like I usually did.  I got ready and when I came out, it was time to leave to get biksha.

 Instead we went to the swayamvar. Arjun won her hand, and I felt slightly relieved. But on the way back, she was flirting with all of them. And they were flirting right back. We did not get much food, so I was glad I was fasting that day. Kunti ordered for her to be shared. She agreed to be the common wife, with the factor that she would be the queen and they would love her more. When he agreed, I felt as I someone was shaming me in front of all elders. Little did I know, that time would come.I said to excuse me from coming to the wedding and left. I heard Draupadi following me. She said the I would always be higher than her, and she just did not want Arya to marry again. I smiled. I guess I could accept her as  my sister. 

    I still was not happy about the marriage, because of the fact that he was practically neglecting me afterwords. I just bore it in my fate, laughing at Duryodanan and his army of idiots when  Bhishma said that it was ok. We decided to leave for khandavprath the next day, and, of course, all of them slept in Panchalis chamber that night. I cried myself to sleep,  praying to Krishna that everything would soon be fine.

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