Utaraa's Pregnancy

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Sorry for the late update I have been really busy with hw

Devika P.O.V. -

Really! My father and Kotikansya HAD to fight for the Kauravas! Didn't they love me anymore? I wasn't their dear Devu? 

Draupadi jiji was consoling me.

"I am sure they still love you Devi" she said

"Then.. why are they fighting for that evil Duryodanan, his minions and that Gandar Raj who seems the have forgotten that  Gandhar even exists!" I yelled

She smirked slightly at that but then said," You know, i have no clue, but at least your younger brother Shaivyaa is fighting for us"

 I nodded with a smile.

Just then a servant came and informed us that Yaudeya had been slightly hurt by MY ELDER BROTHER!

Draupadi said," In every family, there is at least one idiot. Here is the one in your family"

 We slightly laughed then went to check on Yaudeya.

I hugged him tightly and let tears fall, I was glad that he was okay.

" Maa, I am fine, why are you crying" he asked innocently

" I told you a million times, don't be isolated on the battlefield" I scolded him, twisting his ear

" Choti maa, help me" he said innocently to Draupadi jiji , who laughed and told me to come with her.

We left him to rest and went back to our chambers.

When we passed by Uttaraa's chambers, she was sweating and looked kind of pale. 

 We immediately went and questioned her. She told us that she did not feel like eating, she threw up a lot, and was tired easily.

 I asked her," When was your last period"

 Her eyes widened and she smiled. We instantly knew...

Just then the conch sound signaled the end of the day.

 When we walked out.. Uttar and Shwetan are dead. Utaraa beside us was  devastated. 

They went to burn the body and I smiled slightly. At least we have some good news to give them

Abhi entered his chambers and was surprised to see us there. We had not told him yet, he was not there when we announced it. Uttaraa  asked for tamarinds in front of him. And.. he did not get it. We looked at each other with raise eyebrows.

 Subhadra sighed in annoyance murmuring, " How dumb can someone be"


A smile came on Abhimanyu's face and we left the couple alone.

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