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(3 hours later)

Devika P.O.V.

Draupadi and I were resting in our chamber when she was called to the sabha. Confused she left, we thought nothing of it at first. A few minutes later I heard her scream to me. She was saying to got out of Hastinapur using the ariel route since this was a plan to insult me as well. Without even thinking, I ran to the window and fumbled with the lock. Darn thing would not open.  Then a voice behind me said that I could never escape. It was Swastik, son of Drona, brother of Ashwattama( I know he did not have another son, but for the sake of this bear with me).

 He grabbed my hair and flung me against the cabinet. Man it hurt. I did not cry and faced the situation bravely. I pulled out a sword and pointed it at him. He defeated me and soul wrenchingly snatched my ornaments, shattering then. He dragged me towards the hall and threw me on the floor. I screamed out of pain.

Yudishtir P.O.V.-

      They dragged my lovely lotus, my soul, my beauty into the hall. She was crying out of pain. I could not even face her. 

She yelled," a woman is the reason for your existence. She is a man's better half. Even knowng that, you insulted me. Arya, you had no right to stake me. Even now, why are you not saving me! ANSWER ME!!!!! "

Duryodanan just laughed and asked Swastik  to disrobe her. She looked with pleading eyes to everyone in the sabha and when no-one helped her., she prayed to Lord Krishna. He saved her honor. 

She ran angrily out of the hall after severing all ties with me and freeing Draupadi from her chains. The five of us and Draupadi had to got on 12 year canvas, one year incontigo. She had to go t the high mountain areas way from the forest, but still dangerous to meditate. We followed the out of the hall.

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