Uttar and Shwetan Death

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This was the Kaurava things

Name:- IDKShape:- With face towards all sidesArchitects:- , , , Nature:- Elephants formed its body; the kings, its head; and the steeds, its wings.

War-elephants, were a speciality of ancient Indian armies. A war elephant with a bowmen placed on its top, forms a powerful unit. A few such elephants can form a defensive wall around a small army-unit. It can protect an important war-hero in a chariot, deploying his long-range weapon, viz the arrows, shot with high-precision. Such heroes, usually the kings from various kingdoms, act like the intelligence-unit or the heads of the army. The steeds or the cavalry is the most mobile element of an army. Hence a fleet of cavelry is considered as the wings of an army. The wing also means the sides of an army, in military terminology employed in . Thus, this cavelry could be places on the sides (wings) of the army, ready to be mobile, as and when it is required.The Kaurava's formed a hero-centric approach, from day 1 to day 10 of the war. They were alwas alert in protecting their main asset viz their commander-in-chief , who though aged, was still a high precision bowmen with keen eye-sight, excelling even . But owing to his old age, he had less stamina, and required more protection, against counter-attack. The whole of the narration of the war from day one to day ten is replete with passages mentioning protection to Bhishma. , the brother of king , was the military-officer in-charge for 's protection. On day one, Dussasana, Durvishaha, Durmukha, Dussaha, Vivinsati, Chitrasena and Vikarna -- all brothers of -- protected Bhishma. 

The above army was surrounded by the army containing 10000 elephants, lead by Magadha king (Jayatsena).

This was the Pandava things

Name:- Shape:- Needle mouthed (?)Architects:- , Nature:- Faces on all sides, bows its lightingPolicy employed: Few must be made to fight against many by condensing them. (This is because the Pandavas knew their army is only 7/11th in size to that of their enemies)

The concept called bow its lighting is explained as follows: The enemy-army will be attacked with a surprise-shower of arrows from the bowmen hidden behind the smitters in the frond. This sudden shower of arrows will be as silent and lethal as a lighting, followed by the loud thunder, which is nothing but the charging of the smitters in the frond. The smitters in the frond are equipped with short-range weapons like the maces, battle-axes, swords, lances etc. The Pandava army on day one, had at its frond. He was the foremost of the smitters, skilled in mace-fight. He can, with his mace slew large number of warriors on foot or on horses. He knew to fell the chariots by striking at the weak points of a chariot, viz its horses, its yokes and its wheels. He knew how to fell a war-elephant by striking its vulnerable parts, like cutting its trunk, or by mounting on it and striking at the center of its head. There was none equal to him in this act. ( was more skilled than in mace-fight, but only in a dual-fight.). and protected Bhima's sides (wings). Both were smitters skilled in sword fight. The five sons of Draupadi, all bowmens, protected the rear of Bhima. They were the surprise bowmen. Behind them was for additional protection. In the middle was the king the think-tank. He was followed by , skilled as a bowmen and as a smitter using sword. Behind him was and behind him . This greatest of all bowmen viz , was in charge of the surprise attack involving a shower of arrows at the enemy army. Behind him was the chief , 's disciple in bow fight. He was followed by and two princes. They were followed by the brothers. Behind them was king , followed by the chief . The rear of the army was protected by kings  of Virat, Sivi and Matsya.

Bhishama clashed with , with , with , with , with , with , with , with , Maharatha with , with , with , with , with , with Raja , with , with , and with Yudhishtra's son . Similarly , son of Sahadeva attacked maharatha of (Sudakshinaam tu rajendra Kambojanam maharatham). Sudakshina covered Srutakarama with numerous sharp arrows; Srutakarama too responded in kind (6.45.60-68). Later in the day, after the slaying of Uttara (son of ) by Shalya, his brother was greatly upset. He gave a very fierce fight to Srutakarama and later also he clashed valiantly with seven maharathas of the viz., , , , princes and of , of and of (6.47.47-49). was also finally slain by .

Pandavas were defeated at the end of the day, their commander slain

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