14th day part 2 of 2

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*on the battlefield*

Yudishtir advanced on towards Swastik. 

Bheem, Arjun, Nakul, And Sahadev  made a circle around the two, not letting anyone inside

They had an epic spear fight, but in the end , Yudishtir had captured Swastik

glaring at him he said," This is for killing my son and making my wife cry twice"

He slapped him twice hard

Then he turned to Prativindya," Go get Devi for me"

*in the tents*

Devi was sitting with Drau, waiting for her husbands call

A messenger walked in, informed the two queens that it was time for me to go into the battle, and left.

drau said," Go jiji, it's time for you revenge, show the world what happens if you misbehave with woman"

i smiled at her," Your revenge will come soon" and left

* battle*

Swastik knew what was going to happen the moment he saw devi. She was the last face he saw. 

He asked her for forgiveness before he died and she agreed. 

She closed her eyes and felt the blood down every pore of her body.

"Relax" her sister Rukmini whispered in her ear

After washing up she tied her hair and sari for the first time and looked in the mirror. She smiled.

He husband hugged her from behind,"Love, you are avenged now, don't worry about anything"

The camera faded away as they fell asleep

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