Ghatothkach vadh

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On 14th day, the 4th day under the leadership of Drona, The night fight continues...

and fought. Shalya made him without chariot. Seeing him without chariot his brother came for his rescue. Shalya killed him. Viraat again attacked Shalya but Shalya made him unconscious so he had to leave the field. Then came , Arjun defeated him within no time. He also ran away from the field.

Lots of killing occurred. Seeing this Duryodhan went to Drone and Karn and said - "You two initiated this war after Jayadrath was killed and now you two look indifferent to the enemy. If you wanted to abandon me you should have told me before. "We shall defeat Paandu's sons" were your words, that is why I started this fight in which so many warriors have been killed. And if you are not abandoning me then fight properly." So both went to fight again and slaughtering Paandav's army like anything.

Seeing this Yudhishthir got frightened and told this to Arjun. Arjun told Krishn - "This Karn is unbearable now so allow me to kill him, or him to kill me." Krishn said - "Nobody else can face him except you and . I don't think that your time has come to face him. He still has the Power with him given by Indra. Ghatotkach is very devoted to you, so let him proceed against him. He also has celestial powers inherited from ." Ghatotkach soon came there and asked for their orders. Krishn said - "Listen to what I say. Now the time has come to show your powers, not of anybody else. Be the raft of sinking boat of Paandav. is killing our army like anything, so do what you can. Father desires of a son to rescue him in difficult times. So now you slay Karn in battle aided by your illusions."

said - "I am the right match for both Karn and Drone. Today I will fight with them that the world will remember it till it lasts." And he proceeded to fight with . It was midnight. saw Ghatotkach coming so he said to - "Go to Karn. This has sent Ghatotkach to fight with my Karn. You go and help him." At the same time the son of , , came to him and said - "I want to fight for you, because I want to take revenge of my father's killing by ." His coming was so opportune that Duryodhan got very happy and he immediately sent him to fight with Ghatotkach. Now both armies were at the mercy of these two Raakshas. Both Raakshas played hundreds of Maayaa (illusions) in war, but Ghatotkach soon killed the son of Jataasur. He took his head and placed it on the chariot of Duryodhan and said - "It is said that one should not see a king without a gift, so I have brought this gift for you. If you wait for a little longer I will bring another head of someone who is very dear to you - Karn." (Drone, 174) He went away from there without hearing any reply. Karn was amused by Ghatotkach's Maayaa war.

Now Ghatotkach came to Karn and started fighting with him. Although Karn was very mighty and brave but Ghatotkach was proving himself better than Karn. So Karn invoked his celestial weapons. Seeing this Ghatotkach started playing his Maayaa. Sometimes he took the form of a huge mountain, sometimes he appeared as little as a thumb, sometimes he showered weapons sometimes trees, stones etc. But Karn was facing all this with his celestial weapons.

During the process of this Karn-Ghatotkach fight then appeared another Raakshas named along with a huger army of Raakshas. He said - "My name is Alaayudh. Bheem has killed , and who were all my relatives. I heard about this war going on so I have come to fight from your side to take revenge of their killing. Bheem took also who was one of us, so I want to kill Bheem and his son. Allow me to fight with Paandav." Duryodhan got very happy to hear this and he immediately sent him to kill Ghatotkach. Allayudh had similar type of chariot as Ghatotkach had. He came to the place where Karn was fighting with Ghatotkach. Karn was far superior than Ashwatthaamaa, Kripaa, Drone and even put together. Everybody knew that. But Alaayudh was still most welcome at that time.

Now there were two great warriors against one, Karn and against Ghatotkach, so Bheem thought somebody should interfere. So he went to help his son. As Alaayudh saw Bheem coming, he left his son and came to the father to fight with him. His army also killed a large portion of Paandav army. Seeing this Krishn sent Arjun to help Bheem. He sent ,, and and five sons of Draupadee to fight with Karn. He asked Arjun to check . Krishn sent Ghatotkach to help his father. Ghatotkach came and killed Alaayudh. (Drone, 178) He took his head too and placed on Duryodhan's chariot. Seeing Allayudh's head Duryodhan felt that Bheem would surely fulfill his vow to kill him and his brothers.

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