Abhimanyu Vadh

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(I was crying while writing this) Pls excuse me for not writing much as it was too emotional

Hail the great Maharathi Abhimanyu!

Dhritarastra said: After the fall of the great , O , what was the state of my troops? I think that himself is sufficient to destroy my army. Tell me, O , what happened on the thirteenth day of the great battle.

Sanjaya said: O King, your troops, broken by 's prowess and not able to capture , were considered defeated. As they retired for the night they could only remember the countless merits of Arjuna and his friendship with the lotus eyed . They rested that night as if cursed and spoke little to each other. When the morning came, went to and spoke harhly, "O best of the , behold the great slaughter of my troops by the sons of . Allowing this to happen, surely you have marked us down as men to be destroyed. Even though you had the opportunity, still, you did not seize Yudhisthira. Without doubt, one who falls within your sight, cannot escape even if aided by the heavenly lords combined, much less the insignificant . You have promised me a benediction, but you could not fulfill it. One of noble character like yourself is always truthful to his vow in all circumstances."

Thus chided by Duryodhana, 's son felt greatly ashamed. Replying to the King, he said, "O Duryodhana, I have endeavored to my best ability to capture Yudhisthira. However, as long as the army is protected by Arjuna, it cannot be defeated by the combined forces of the world. Wherever there is Lord Krishna, the creator of this universe, and wherever there is Arjuna, the son of , there has not been one, nor is there one now, nor will there be one in the future, who can defeat them. Truly I have always told you this, and it shall not be otherwise. Today, I can promise you that one of the on the Pandava's side will die. I will form an array that even cannot penetrate. It is known as the . It will be successful only if Arjuna is taken away from the battlefield. Arjuna knows the art of penetrating this formation, and it will not succeed as long as he is present."

Sanjaya continued: After Drona had spoken these words, the challenged Arjuna, taking him to the southern side of the battlefield. In Arjuna's absence, Drona arrayed the troops in the form of a (wheel). , at Yudhisthira's command, penetrated the formidable arrangement and killed thousands of your troops. Having achieved the most difficult feats, at last he was surrounded by six great maharathis. In the end he was extremely fatigued due to battle and was slain by 's son. With this great victory, your troops withdrew for the night.

Sanjaya said: O King, I will describe to you in detail what you are asking me. Listen, O Monarch, with attention as I describe how Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu, fought with the great maharathis as as if they were toys, but in the end was slain by them. Be still, O King, I shall speak to you of the great slaughter of your kinsmen.

Sanjaya continued: The Pandavas are invincible and are above all fatigue. In righteousness, in actions, in family tradition, in intelligence, in achievements, in fame, in prosperity, there never was and there never will be a King such as Yudhisthira. In the front line of the battle, the powerful Lord , the son of , , and the second son of Kunti, are spoken of as equals. As far the wielder of the bow, Arjuna, is concerned, I do not see an equal to him anywhere on earth or in heaven. Six qualities are ever present in the son of , : reverence for superiors, worship of the brahmanas, humility, self control, handsome features and heroism. In knowledge of the scriptures, gravity, sweetness of temper, righteousness and prowess, the heroic is equal to the - demigods.

All the good qualities that are found in Lord Krishna and the Pandavas are found in Abhimanyu alone. In firmness, he was equal to Yudhisthira; in good conduct, he was equal to Lord Krishna; in achievements, he was equal to ; in knowledge of the scriptures, in prowess with the bow and arrow, and in beauty of person, he was equal to Dhananjaya. In humility, he was equal to Nakula and Sahadeva.

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