1x09: The Empty Child

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Sage stood across the console with the Doctor across from her as Rose walked in.

"What's the emergency?" She asked, coming to stand near Sage.

"It's mauve." The Doctor replied.


"The universally recognised colour for danger." Sage explained.

"What happened to red?"

"That's just humans. By everyone else's standards, red's camp. Oh, the misunderstandings. All those red alerts, all that dancing. It's got a very basic flight computer. I've hacked in, slaved the TARDIS. Where it goes, we go..." Sage said, smiling.

"I love it when she hacks into this." The Doctor says with a smile as Rose looks at him with a raised eyebrow. He quickly covered it up though. "She's better than me at hacking things." He clarified, making Rose nod and shake her head whilst Sage tried and failed to stifle a laugh.

"And that's safe, is it?"


Suddenly a large band echoes throughout the room, causing it to shake and knocked the Doctor, Sage and Rose down unexpectantly.

"Okay, reasonably. Should have said reasonably. No, no, no, no! It's jumping time tracks, it's getting away from us." Sage says as both her and the Doctor get up and start running around the controls.

"What exactly is this thing?" Rose asked, pointing to the screen.

"No idea!" Sage replied, still running around.

"Then why are we chasing it?"

"It's mauve and dangerous, and about thirty seconds from the centre of London."

*Time Skip*

"Do you know how long you can knock around space without happening to bump into Earth?" The Doctor asked as the two Time Lords and the blonde human stepped out of the TARDIS once it had landed.

"Five days? Or is that just when we're out of milk?" Rose asked.

"Of all the species in the Universe and it has to come out of a cow." The Doctor said, making Sage roll her eyes and try to focus on what was happening.

"Must have come down somewhere quite close. Within a mile, anyway. And it can't have been more than a few weeks ago, maybe a month." Sage explained, looking around where they had landed.

"A month? We were right behind it."

It was jumping time tracks all over the place. We're bound to be a little bit out. Do you want to drive?" The Doctor asked, placing his hands on his hips and looking at Rose.

"Yeah. How much is a little?"

"A bit."

"Is that exactly a bit?"


"What's the plan, then? Are you two going to do a scan for alien tech or something."

"Rose." Sage began, before sighing.

"It hit the middle of London with a very loud bang. We're going to ask." The Doctor said as he pulled out the psychic paper and showed her.

"Doctor John Smith, ministry of asteroids and his associate." Rose reads, with a raised eyebrow.

"Wow..." Sage said, shaking her head and scoffing before looking at her husband. "Really? Associate?"

"What?" He questioned making Sage sigh. "Anyway, it's physic paper. It tells you..."

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