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Shawn came to see me with Blue. We were gonna be in Houston for the rest of the month. Neither of us were busy and Blue needs to see more of my home town.


"Yes, Blue?"

"What's this room?" She questioned.

It was Houston's room. It wasn't the same house that we lived in before but I needed this room. And for when the police call and tell me that they've found my daughter. I mean, everyone needs a room to sleep in. Right?

"It's your sisters room, Blue. You gotta promise to never go in there, okay. We want it to be perfect for when she comes back." I smiled at her.

She looked confused.


"Yes, Blue?"

"I thought people didn't come back from the dead. That's what Daddy said."

I frowned. This wasn't news to me. Shawn always said that I needed to let go. LET GO!?!! I would never tell Shawn to "Let go" if this happened to him. I have had miscarriages before but he never told me to "let go." He always let me mourn. What's so different about Houston?

"Daddy's being silly. Ignore him. How about we go look at Houston's pictures? Hmmm? Does that sound okay, baby Blue?"

"I don't know, Mommy. Everytime we see her pictures you get really sad. Then it makes me sad and I don't wanna be sad." She frowned.

I nodded.

"Cartoons?" I questioned in hope. She agreed and we carefully walked downstairs to the TV room and I turned on her favorite cartoon, Sofia the First. We watched until Shawn came home.

"Hey, babe! Hey, Blue!" He kissed us on the cheek in greeting.

"Shawn, may I speak with you?" He nodded in confusion.

We walked into the kitchen and I stood in front of him, arms crossed and tapping my foot. He looked a tiny bit scared.

"'I thought people didn't come back from the dead.' Really!!! Shawn, that's ridiculous. Not only are you disrespecting Houston but you're undermining me!! We agreed that I would tell Blue all about Houston."

"I'm glad you brought this up, Bey. I was just at your mom's house and we agreed-"

"We? Who's we?" I questioned.

"Your moms, Kelly, Solange and Michelle. We agreed that this behavior isn't healthy. You obsessed with finding Houston but it's been 16 years. You need to give this up. It's unhealthy and we're worried about you."

"Go then. If you think that I'm displaying unhealthy behavior the go stay in a hotel. Or at my mom's house."

"Bey-" He started

"Go!" I finished

"Fine! But I'm taking Blue. I don't want you confusing her with what's real and what isn't!" He fired at me

"Fine! I'll 'wallow in self pity' and I'll continue to display 'unhealthy' behavior! Would want Blue to see her crazy mother now, would we!"

"Bey, you're not crazy. You're just obsessed." He said softly and kissed my forehead.

He packed up his and Blue's things. I kissed Blue and told her that I'd see her soon and they walked out the front door. I grabbed a wine bottle and went into Houston's room and drank the whole bottle while I cried.


How's the story so far? I had this idea months ago but I'm not really a writer so I never had the motivation but I'm out of high school now with no job so why not? 🤷🏽🤷🏽🤷🏽

I'm sorry about the writing style and grammar and punctuation..... I barely passed english class.

So let me know how you feel about the story so I can be motivated to write the next chapter! 😁😁

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