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"No! HOUSTON!!" I shouted getting awoken from my dream, drenched in sweat. My phone was ringing and I decided to let it go. If it was Shawn, I didn't wanna deal with him, and if it was my family, I didn't wanna hear their 'sorrys' about Houston or how I should move on. It stopped ringing so I tried to get more sleep in. It started to ring again. I was getting agitated. I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I growled at the phone

"Mrs. Carter?"

My stomach dropped. Was it Shawn? Was it Blue?

"It's about your daughter, Houston. We believe we found her and need you to come down for a DNA test."

With no hesitation, I replied.

"I'll be down in an hour."

I quickly got out of bed and into the shower. As I'm washing my hair I stop and think.

'This could be your babygirl but don't get your hopes up. It's happened so many times before.'

I got out and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked into my room. As I'm walking into the closet I yell, "Julius!!" No response. "Julius!!"

"Yes, Mrs. Carter?"

"I need you to set up the car. We're going to the hospital. Please?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

I quickly get dressed, grab my purse and head to the car. I didn't do my hair and didn't wear makeup. I wasn't going to impress. I was going to get my daughter. Hopefully.

We soon arrive at the hospital. The doctor meets me at the desk. He has a man standing with him.

"Hello Mrs. Carter. This is the policeman in charge of the case"

"Hi. So you think she's Houston?"

"We can't be sure without DNA but from the pictures in the previous case file and the facial advancement technology (I don't know what it's actually called) we believe that the girl we retrieved is your daughter." The man said

"Okay. So what do you need from me?"

"Just some blood. It'll take five minutes to draw from your arm. Two business days to get the results. Sorry it can't be sooner." The doctor spoke up.

"That's fine. Lead the way." I spoke up

He took me into a room and Julius followed close behind. He drew up my sleeve and took some blood. Before he left I spoke up.

"Is there anyway I can stop by her room? Just to see with my own eyes."

"I can't allow you to do that but do not walk past room 981." He replied after checking our surroundings and quickly left the room.

So Julius and I made our way to room 981. It was a couple floors up but we still went. I put on some sunglasses I had in my purse, one of my hoodies that Julius grabbed for me and put myself together. The elevator stopped and Julius and I stepped off.

"We need to be quick. I don't want anyone to know that we're here." Julius warned

I slowed down as we were approaching the room. As I slowly walked past the room, I saw her. I saw Houston. Her eyes were just the same. She was talking to a police officer. We continued our walk down the hallway and into the next elevator.

"If I may, Mrs. Carter? She looked just like you."

"I know."

"Are you going to tell Mr. Carter?"

I looked at him.

"No. He doesn't need to know at this point. He'll probably say that I'm wasting my time. Julius?"


"I expect you won't say anything either?"

"No, Mrs. Carter"

We quickly and quietly left the hospital. I didn't see one paparazzi. I wasn't going to tell anyone about this girl. I didn't want them to think that I was going nuts. It's happened too many times before.



"Why can't I leave?"

"You are a victim. We still have tests to run."

"I thought I told you. I wasn't kidnapped. I'm an orphan and the Davids adopted me!" I shouted back.

"You also told me that you have no memories before five years old. That's odd. You should have memories from the age of two years old. At least! You mind is blocking something from you so we brought in a phycologist to tap into that memory."

"I want Kathryn!! Why can't I see her?"

"The doctor will be in here in a moment."

I pouted and leaned back. I didn't want no doctor poking around my brain for memories that don't matter. After an hour, the 'brain doctor' left. No progress was made. I still have no memories before five years old and they still won't let me see Kathryn.

I decided to go to sleep and hopefully by tomorrow morning, I'll be able to go home.

Two Days Later

I'M STILL IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!!! They won't let me go...

The door opens a woman walks in. She's dressed up nicely. Behind her is Kathryn and Tim. They look as if they've been crying.

"Peyton. They've found your birth mom and she's here to see you. We just want to let you know that we love you so much."

"Why are you saying that like you're saying goodbye?" I questioned. Kathryn and Tim glanced at each other. Both having a sad smile on their face.

"Well, you were kidnapped when you were a baby. She never gave you up willingly and the government never took you from her care. Legally speaking, she still has custody of you." Tim said

"Well, we're giving her custody of you. She is your mom and has been searching for you for a long time"


"We'll let her in." They kissed the top of my head and left the room.

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