536 25 13

Payton Davids

I was all packed up to leave the next day. I was so excited to go on vacation!! My friends were staying the night at my place as a "see ya when ya get back party!" Well, that's how Kathryn put it.

"You're so lucky!! Actually leaving Ohio!! What a dream..." Skyler said in a dreamy-like voice

"C'mon, Sky! It's only for vacation!" Cate said.

"But it's still out of Ohio. I would kill to get out of this town." Skyler said kind of sadly

"Yeah.... Ohio kinda sucks.." I said in the same tone.

"But at least Ohio State has good college football! O-H!!"

"I-O!! Ayyye!" Cate yelled while twerking in the her seat.

Skyler and I just shook our heads at her. Cate has lived around black people so long that she acts black. She'd never say the n-word though. It was one line she'd never cross.

"Girl, stop that! You! Have! No! Ass!" Skyler said.

"Y'all messy. I have an idea! Come to church with me when I get back cause y'all need saved!"

"I'll burst into a ball of flames if I walk up in a church. You know that." Skyler responded back to me.

Skyler is gay. She's know since we were 12. She noticed that all the girls were looking at boys and she was looking at all the girls. She's had a few girlfriends but none that got along with us. According to all of them, we're 'too close!', but it's fine. We know how we feel about each other.

"Sky, you won't burst into anything! That's so fake, trust me. Just come over with me and we'll sing and have fun." I responded to her

"Nah fam, I'm good."

We talked all through the night. I fell asleep around 2 a.m. I didn't wanna get out of bed to shower but I had too if I wanted to get to the airport without smelling weird. Kathryn had made us breakfast in the morning and Skyler drove Cate home.

Tim rounded us up and we drove to the airport. We got through security with no issue and boarded with no issue. Now all I had to do was wait to land in Houston. It felt like my like was gonna change and I don't know how I feel about that.


I woke up from my drunken sleep. I didn't want to. I missed Houston too much.


I looked over but I didn't see Blue. I saw a little girl around 5 years old. Covered in blood.

"Why couldn't you save me, Mom? Do you hate me? Do you wish I was never born?"

"Houston....?" I whispered in confusion

"Mom! Help me!!!"

"Okay," I wiped my tears, "Tell Mommy where you are and I'll come for you, okay?"

I stood up and slowly walked toward her

"Mommy!!" She started to disappear

"No! Not again!" I rushed toward her but it was too late. She was gone again....

I woke up with a gasp. It wasn't the first time I had a dream like this. Shawn used to help calm me down but I slowly got used to my delusions. I started to feel crazy. I decided to go shopping for some food. I showered and got dressed. I left with my security. I started writing music. Singing lyrics in my head.

I looked to my left and I saw a missing persons poster. For years, Houstonians decided to help me in my aid to find my daughter. Today's technology could show us what she looked like and they would put posters up around the same time every year. Around the time she was kidnapped. Her appearance slightly altered as she aged.

Before I knew it, we had arrived at the store. I sent Julius in with the list and the money. I love my fans but I don't wanna deal with them today. I continued to write my music when Julius finally came back.

We went home and I drank myself to sleep again. The cycle never ends.

Houston Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ