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I woke up to a ringing. It was the hospital. They said that the test results came in and that I should get to the hospital. I showered, got dressed and had Julius drive me to the hospital. I walk up to the doctor and a police officer he was standing with.

"They DNA test confirm that the girl is your daughter."

"However, she was recently adopted by a family in Ohio. They were all vacationing here. They want to speak with you. If you don't mind?"

"Can I see Houston after?" They nodded. "Then yes."

The led me to a meeting room. A family was standing there. A man, woman and 3 young girls.

"So, you're Peyton's biological mother?" The father questioned me.

"I named her Houston but yes."

The tallest girl scoffed

"Typical. She doesn't even care about the last 11 years we spent with her. Teaching her, spending time with her building a relationsh-"

"I get it. Your family raised her and you consider her family but she was taken from me and I want to let you know that I'm not letting her slip through my fingers again. I'm going to fight for her!"

The mom spoke up.

"We know," she pulled out some papers, "and that's why we carry these." I looked at the papers

"They're custody papers. Peyton doesn't call me Mom and I know why. She's been waiting for her mother for a long time. All we want is to see her every now and then. Keep contact with her if you don't mind?"

I was in shock. They were willing to give me custody so easily?

"I have to let my lawyers look through this to be sure but I don't see a problem with letting her keep contact."

I shot my lawyers a text, wanting them to come to Houston as fast as possible.

"Can I see her now?" I said to the police officer. He nodded.

"Wait! Can we say goodbye real quick?" I nodded.

They walked left the room to talk to Houston.

"She likes to cook and bake. She loves the idea that she can create something so delicious from her hands. She has a small tattoo on her ankle for a friend that died of cancer. She's really smart. Like 100s on everything she turns in. She's really interested in history and mythology. She loves puzzles. She likes to challenge her mind. She goes to church often but not all the time. She's afraid of spiders, clowns, and heights. She hates brussel sprouts and hates math even though she passes it. That's all I can think of." The middle child said.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"You're her mother. You deserve to know these things"

The parents soon came back in.

"You can see her now." The dad mumbled with his head down.

I nodded and left the room. The doctor led me down the hallway to her room. It was the longest walk I had ever taken. We stopped in front of her door. The doctor nodded at me with a small smile on his face and walked away. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

She looked up at me. She looks so beautiful.


She looked up and showed a small smile.


I slowly walked over the the other side of the bed. I reached out with shakey hands and went to grab her hand but I stopped short. She noticed and grabbed my hand.

"You're my birth mom?"

"Yeah," I confirmed before wiping away my tears. "I've been searching for you for 16 years and you're right in front of me!"

"So what happens now?" She questioned.

"Well, your adoptive parents and I talk for a bit and we'll figure something out. Enough about that, tell me about you. I wanna know everything!"

Her and I talked for about 20 minutes before I got a text message from my lawyers. They were here and waiting for me in the room with the Davids. I told Houston that'd I'd be back and quietly told Julius to watch over Houston.

My lawyers told me that the custody agreement was fair and okay to sign. The three of us signed and they followed me to Houston's room. It was an emotional goodbye for them. I think even Julius shed a tear but he wouldn't admit that. The next day the hospital sent a therapist to speak with Houston. She told me that she was mentally stable and that she was free to go. The therapist actually said that I should refer to Houston as Payton.

"But that's not what I named her?"

"Right but that is what she has been going by since she was 5." She reiterated.

"It's alright. I can go by Houston. I think it fits my face!" Houston exclaimed.

The doctor nodded and quickly left after finishing her assessment.

"Why'd you name me Houston anyway?" She questioned as we sat in an awkward silence.

"Would you believe me if I said I lost a bet?"

"What?" She said in confusion

"Solange said I was having a girl. I thought I was having a boy and you came out a girl. Solange named you."

She nodded her head.

"So when are when going to your place?"

I paused. She didn't say 'home'

"Tonight. Technically you were discharged when the Davids left but because of my status we are leaving at the dead of night." I explained

"What about my clothes?"

The police had taken it when they grabbed her and when the adoption checked out they gave it back to the Davids. Who, in turn, gave them to me

"They're in the car. I'll have Julius bring it up. I'm sure you want to be out of that gown."

She nodded in appreciation. I spoke with Julius who left to grab her luggage. He returned and she jumped up and quickly went to the bathroom to change. She came out with a tanktop and some sweat pants.

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