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"And- and these are my.. my dolls. This one is Janet!" Blue stuttered along as she showed me her room.

"Do you like dolls?" She asked with wide, innocent eyes.

"No." She deflated.

"I LOVE DOLLS!!!" I exclaimed with faux excitement. I haven't actually seen dolls since I was 6. I got over them pretty quick when I was a kid. Nevertheless, I wasn't gonna make this adorable child sad. Especially since now she's my sister. As Blue and I played with her dolls, I thought back half an hour. Beyoncé wants me to call her 'mom'. I understand her internal struggle, but it's too early for me to be calling her 'mom'. I don't think I'll ever call her 'mom'. Tiny hands grab my face. I looked at Blue with wide eyes.

"You're not listening!!' She whined as she pouted.

"I'm sorry.  It's just I'm so excited to be spending time with you!!" I replied with a smile. I lied a tiny bit, but I helped her relax.

"Girls!!" I heard Beyoncé calmly shout, "Come down here please!"

Blue and I quickly clean up her mess and walk downstairs.

"Hey. What's up?" I questioned

"We were just wondering what you wanted for dinner."

I shrugged as well as Blue.

Jay looked at us then at Beyoncé the back to us.

"So... pizza?"

Blue and I looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"Is that all?"

"No, but Blue can leave." Beyoncé said lightly.

She pouted but walked away but before she got to the stairs she turned back and asked me a question. 

"We can finish playing when you're done right?" I looked to Beyoncé for confirmation and she nodded.

"Whatever you want Blue!" I said with a wide smile. She smiled big and continued walking upstairs.

Beyoncé and Shawn walked me to the couch to sit down and sat down with me.

"We wanted to talk to you about school. Get a gauge on how you're doing."

" I think I'm doing pretty well. I'm passing well passed all the classes I took. I'm about to be a junior but I'm not sure on how the school system works. I might need to retake some classes that I've already taken."

"You won't be going to school down here."  Beyoncé affirmed.

"I won't?" I asked in confusion.

"No. We live in California. You'll be attending school there."

"Then why are you all in Houston?" I questioned.

Beyoncé and Jay looked at each other. She shifted uncomfortably.

"Anyway, dinner will be ready in like an hour. So make sure that you and Blue clean up soon." Jay said.

I nodded but before I left, I asked Beyoncé a question.

"When can I talk to my family?" A look flashed across her face and I felt guilty for a second.

"We'll let you know." Jay said softly. I quickly nodded and went to play with Blue before she got upset with me.

An hour came and left and we were all sat at the table eating homemade pizza. It was pretty good but then again, it was made by a chef.

We were having small talk and I was getting to know them better as they were getting to know me better.

"Favorite book?"


"Favorite..... show?"

"Hmmmm....... Avatar: The Last Airbender."

They blinked at me in confusion. I shook my head. If they don't know, they will soon enough.

"Favorite song?"

"Stressed out by Twenty One Pilots."

This act continued for nearly an hour before we all dismissed ourselves for an early night. I went upstairs and got ready for bed when my phone lit up. It was Carter

Sis #2🧡: Sooooo..... it's been a few days and no message or call. At least let us know that you're okay.

I bit my lip nervously. I shrugged confirming my decision.


Sis #2🧡: Whooooaaa!! Chill!!
We miss you too. Hold on.

A moment later my phone started buzzing. I quickly answered the FaceTime call. My whole family was there.


"Shhh!! Everyone is sleeping and I don't wanna wake them up." I quickly explained. I lied, but only because I don't want everyone to think that Beyoncé is mistreating me.

"Sorry. We just miss you so much." Kathryn said with a sad smile on her face.

I gave her a sad smile in return. I nodded along in understanding. I miss them just as much. I started a different subject. I want them to feel like I was there and we were all sat at the table eating dinner and talking about our day.

Carter told me about when school started and there was a fight the first day. She told me the cover story. Everyone back home thought that I had gotten an opportunity to study dance in Houston.

It's believable. I've been dancing for as long as I can remember. I just have to make sure to remember that whenever my friends call. I pushed that to the back of my head.

Michelle (my older sister) showed me the cutest outfit the she managed wrangle Mychael in. He looked mad as hell but he looked adorable as well.  I reminded her to send me that picture. I had the thought to set it as my background but Beyoncé isn't supposed to know about my communication with the Davids and I don't want her connecting dots.

I heard footsteps nearing my room so I quickly said my 'goodbye' and 'I love you.' I threw my phone under my pillow and quickly got comfortable. The door creeper open and Beyoncé tiptoe'd in.

I felt her brush my hair back.

"I'm so glad you're back, Houston. I've been waiting so long to hold you in my arms again." She whispered in my ear as I felt a drop fall on my face. I stayed silent.

All I did was talk to my family but why do I feel so guilty?


A/N: Sorry this is late. I've been bouncing between jobs and finally had time (and motivation) to write this soooo..... here you go. BTW: Im finishing this at 1 in the morning and my eyes are half closed but I was determined to finish this chapter and get it to you 😁😁

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