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We landed in Houston soon enough. It was weird though. I kept getting weird looks from everyone. They'd point and stare. I told Kathryn but she said that it was nothing. It wasn't 'nothing'. It was freaking me out.

So we got in the cabs and went to the hotel. It was around 5 p.m when we checked in. Even when we checked in, the lady at the front desk was looking at me weird. But we got our room key and went up in the elevator to get to our rooms.

"Kathryn, my key isn't working." I whined

"So go downstairs and get you another one. Michelle will watch your baggage."

"But Mom!" Michelle whined

"But nothing." She said. "Go get you another key." She finished as she turned to me.

I got into the elevator to go to the lobby. I have a room to myself and for that I'm thankful. I have a room to myself because I'm 'responsible for someone my age.' What they really mean is that they're glad I go to church, don't have any romantic relationships, and follow the rules and get good grades. I'm a pretty good kid.

"Excuse me, miss?" I questioned the lady at the desk. She looked as if she was rushing to get off the phone.

"Yes, miss?" She questioned looking quite nervous

"My key card isn't working."

"Oh, well I can help you with that right now."

We walked to the elevator with the key that matches mine.

"So your friends brought you on vacation, that's cool!"

"Actually they're my family. Common misconception."

She looked at me with wide and panicked eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean- I didn't-.." she stuttered.

I chuckled

"It's ok. I'm not gonna freak out. Chill" I cut her off as we walked to my room.

"Right!" She muttered nervously. She opened my door and smiled. She waved and walked away.

"What was that about?" Carter questioned questioned. I shrugged

We got all my luggage in my room and all I wanted to do was shower. I got up to walk to my bathroom and then I heard a knock at my door. I walked over to it and opened it. It was Tim.

"Hey, we're all gonna do a bit of site seeing then gets some food so get ready."

"Tim. I'm sorry but I'm really tired and I wanna shower. Can I just stay here? You can bring me like a pizza or something. I don't really care. Just bring back some snacks for when I get hungry tonight."

"Ok. Call us if you need anything."

Tim left and I laid on my bed. I was exhausted. I fell asleep without realizing it.

I woke up around 8 p.m. and decided to hop in the shower. Before I did, I text Michelle to see where they were at but got no response. Weird.

I grab my toiletries and get in the shower.

"I fly with the stars in the skies,
I am no longer trying to survive,
I believe that life is a prize,
But to live doesn't mean you're alive,
Don't worry bout me and who I fire
I get what I desire it's my empire
And yes I call the shots I am the umpire
I sprinkle holy water upon the vampire
In this very mom-" *BANG* *BANG* *BANG*

"Houston Police Department!! Open up!" I ain't opening shit

"Open up or we'll break down the door!" They gonna have to break it down then. I didn't do anything so I'm not going to jail. I didn't even finish washing my hair.

I hear the door go down and quickly turn off the water. Maybe if I'm quiet enough then they'll leave.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Hello? Is anyone in there? Houston, its okay. We're not gonna hurt you." A woman said.


"My name is Peyton. Who are you?"

"Open the door and everything will be explained."

I wrapped my towel around me tight and slowly opened the door.

"I didn't bring my clothes in with me. Sorry." I shrugged apologetically

"It's okay. We're taking you to a hospital so you won't need your clothes."


"It's protocol for all victims."

"I want to see my family!" I demanded

"You'll see your family soon enough.." she trailed off

We walked out of the bathroom and police officers are tearing up my room.

"Hey-!!" I started but was quickly cut off

"C'mon. Don't worry about them. They're helping you."

We continued to walk out the door when two paramedics show up. They help me get on the gurney and take me into the elevator. We all go down together and I am so confused. The elevator doors open and another police officer is standing there.

"C'mon, let's get her to the ambulance."

They lead me into the ambulance. The only thing that I could be thinking was, 'What the hell is going on? And why'd they call me Houston?'


I don't know if it's clear but I don't proofread. Sorry 🤷🏽🤷🏽

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