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"livvv"  liv felt a slight shake from her little sister, but was too tired to get up.

"liv.  liv.  OLIVIA!"  the next thing liv knew she was on the floor.

"what do you want sophie?" liv groaned while getting up.

"the babysitter isn't here yet and we're hungry"

"go eat some cereal"

"we want you to cook something and you need to change connors diaper" her other sister bella whined.

"i'll be down in a minute"

being the oldest of four kids is constant whining and no privacy. olivia knows this too well. she has two sisters who are twins, sophie and bella. they're eight and she has a two year old brother named connor. their mom died just a couple months ago and liv hasn't been the same since. especially growing apart from her best friend sam. she also just had gone through a breakup with a boy who she had dated for almost a year, but she kept it a secret. her dad works very hard to get them everything that they have.  he's been working at the larusso car dealership since she could remember.


liv took a shower, brushed her teeth and chose an outfit for the day. she put on jeans, an old white t-shirt, black high top converse and put on a black and white flannel.

she made eggs and bacon for her siblings, changed connors diaper and left once the babysitter got there.

on her way out she saw a new boy introducing himself to the man she has seen a couple times that lives across from her. the boy looked about her age.  she had to admit she thought he was pretty cute but she wasn't ready for a relationship.

"hey, i'm miguel.  my family and i just moved into 109"  he said with a cute smile plastered on his face.

"great.  more immigrants"  the blonde man said causing liv to roll her eyes while she was greasing the bearings to her skateboard.

"actually, we're from riverside"  the boy said obviously not getting the mans sarcasm.

"but, anyways, i was wondering if you were having trouble with your water pressure, 'cause i know our sinks being weird right now and . . . oh, bottles go in the blue bins" 

"this kid sure loves to talk"  liv muttered to herself while listening to their interaction.

"listen, menudo, i've lived in this shithole for over ten years.  the pipes don't work.  the fountains full of piss.  the only good thing here is i don't have to talk to anybody.  so nice knowing you"

the man drove away and the teenage boy finally noticed liv.  he walked up to her trying to make a conversation.

"hey, i'm miguel diaz.  i just moved here"  miguel said while looking down at the girl sitting on the floor.

"i know"  liv didn't mean to be rude, but she didn't feel like making any new friends.

"and you are?"

"leaving"  and with that liv skated away to the nearest skatepark.

that left miguel both confused, yet intrigued.  this beautiful girl was a complete mystery.  he didn't even know her name.

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