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miguel and liv were stretching on the floor listening to mr kreese tell a story.

"they were outgunned, we were outmanned. i tell you . . . rwanda was no joke"

"don't you mean somalia?" miguel asked.

"mogadishu is in somalia, rwanda's a completely different country" liv added.

"of course, somalia. i've spent so much time in the sandbox, it all kind of bleeds together, you know?"

miguel and liv gave each other a suspicious look. olivia was about to say something until she heard johnny's voice.

"listen up! i see we've got some new recruits. everybody, fall in. in neat rows and lines" the man clarified. "time to see what you're made of" johnny walked around the mat looking at all the new students. "which one of you has the balls to take on the champ? if all of you are pussies, i'll have ms davis over here show you how it's done"

the room was quiet for a couple seconds making miguel and liv smile at each other.

"i'll take him on" everyone heard a female voice say.

liv whipped her head around raising a brow.  she looked the girl up and down.  the blonde girl doing the same.  wow, another girl in the dojo. interesting. 

"oh, you will, huh?"

"i saw your little demo at valley fest.  you guys can put on a show.  can you actually fight?"  this girl has a really big mouth on her, liv thought.

"that sounds like a challenge"

"i like a challenge"

"mr diaz, show little miss hotshot here what cobra kai is all about"

everyone stepped aside as the girl and miguel came to the middle of the mat.

"look, are you sure that you wanna do-"  miguel started before getting a hard kick to the stomach making him stumble.  "all right.  game on"  liv couldn't help but think how hot he was when he had his game face on.

the girl started coming at miguel fast but she didn't get any hits on him. 

"close the gap"

she went in for a kick but miguel grabbed her leg and slammed her onto the mat.  she got back up and was quick to try and hit him over and over.  key word : try

"you're telegraphing"  he said as he kicked her in the stomach.  "don't let me see it coming"

she tackled him with a hard grunt.

"did you see that coming?"

miguel held himself up with his hands, taking her body between his legs and slamming her on the mat.

"maybe.  my names miguel"  he stuck out his hand.

"tory"  the girl said grabbing his arm and flipping him over.  she held his face to the mat and pulled his arm back.  "with a y"

liv was a little impressed, but she knew the girl was an amateur.  she could tell the girl was cocky, and that she thought miguel was cute.  'cause who wouldn't.


liv was in the mini mart grabbing a drink for her and miguel.  she heard aisha groan. 

"what's wrong aisha?"  liv asked the girl.

"let me guess.  dick pic?"  tory said walking past the two girls.

"no.  my mom wants me to go to the beach club with her"

"oh my god, that sounds so miserable"  tory said sarcastically while liv went to go pay for the drinks.

liv walked outside to see miguel watching hawk walk away.

"here.  what's wrong?"  she asked handing him his drink.

"don't you think there's something off about sensei kreese?"

"he gives me a weird feeling, but sensei knows what he's doing"

they heard the door of the mini mart open and out came aisha and tory. 

"hey, liv!  if you wanna come to the beach club with us, my mom is waiting out front"  aisha said walking away.

liv looked to miguel seeing what he'd say.

"just have fun.  i have to go talk to sensei"

"you sure?"

"very.  i'll see you later"  he said giving her a sweet kiss on forehead.


aisha, liv and tory were all at the beach club.  aisha went to get more food.  so, it was only tory and liv left at the table.  you could practically feel the tension in the air.

"so, what made you wanna join cobra kai?"  liv asked the break the awkward silence.

"your demo was pretty badass.  plus, i thought miguel was pretty cute"  tory responds making liv uncomfortable.

"yeah . . ."  it got awkward again and tory decided to say something.

"so, i see you're one of the best in the dojo"

"i am the best"  liv joked.

"not for long"

liv couldn't help but feel this girl was bad news, but she decided not to judge a book by its cover.


aisha and liv were in aishas movie room.  as they were watching the movie aisha decided to ask liv what was wrong.

"hey, after we went to the beach club you've been a little weird"

"i guess i was just feeling weird, because tory was talking about miguel"

"what was she saying?"

"just how she thought he was cute.  that's why she joined the dojo"

"did you tell her that he's your boyfriend"

"no . . ."

"what? why not?"

"he's not technically my boyfriend.  he hasn't asked me yet. we've never actually said boyfriend and girlfriend"

"you're not just friends, but you're not dating?"

"exactly.  we're . . . hanging out?"

"that's weird, but okay"  aisha said making them both laugh.

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