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it was really early in the morning. the sun just coming up. miguel was getting the mail when he sees liv with a bouquet of flowers. he was really confused, because he thought she was sleeping. she didn't answer his good morning text or call. she quickly took her board and started skating. miguel chased after her, yelling her name, but she didn't turn back. he got his bike chasing after her.

miguel followed her down a couple blocks. where the heck is she going? he thought. he's never been this way before.

they stopped at a green field. she put down her board and started walking. there was a huge sycamore tree in the middle of the field. miguel dropped his bike and followed liv. she stopped at the tree and set the flowers on the ground. miguel looked at what she was looking at. there was a tombstone there.

"hey, mom. we have a lot to catch up on" liv said sniffling.

miguel contemplated leaving until he heard his name.

"so, i met this boy, miguel" she said and miguel paused for a second. he just wanted to hear this part, then he'll leave.

"he's amazing. he's everything i've ever wanted. you know how hard it is for me to open up to people, but with him . . . it's so easy. we started karate together. i've stopped doing karate for a long time, and i didn't realize how much i've missed it until i met miguel. he brings out the best in me, mom. remember robby? the whole time we were dating we haven't said i love you. i know i didn't love robby. we were more best friends, but had the boyfriend girlfriend label. miguel said it to me, but i haven't said it back yet. it's not that i don't love him. 'cause i really think i do. he's the first boy i've ever loved, and he makes me so happy" liv said smiling.

miguel was smiling too. hearing those words come from liv, made him feel on top of the world.

"you would've loved him. he's smart, he's kind, he's funny, and he's great with connor and the twins. he's also very handsome, and can kick ass. we've went through our ups and downs, but that's a part of being in love, right?"

miguel thought about what she said. in love? he couldn't believe she was saying these things. he was so happy, but he almost felt guilty for listening. he turned around but as he was walking he heard liv.

"miguel?" she said quickly standing up and wiping the tears away. "you heard that whole thing?"

"yeah. liv, i'm sorry. i was just about to leave. it's sounded personal. i'm so sorry"

"it's okay" she laughed. "c'mon" she intertwined their fingers and lead him to her moms grave. she bent down and he did too.

"hi, i'm miguel. it's nice to meet you, and i wish i could've had the pleasure of meeting you in person. your daughter is the best thing that's ever happened to me. i don't know what i'd do without her. she's my absolute best friend" he said looking down at the girl, who had tears streaming down her face.

"mom, i know i don't come here as often as i should. i've just been busy with my friends and all, and i know if you were here you'd tell me to have fun with them. i just miss you so much" liv began to cry much harder. miguel took her into his arms and she cried in his chest.

after a couple minutes liv stopped crying. she loosened her grip and looked up to the boy. they stared in each other's eyes for a couple seconds.

"will you be my girlfriend?" miguel finally asked.

"of course. i love you"

miguel looked a little taken back. this was the first time liv has said it to his face. the biggest smile started to form on his lips.

"i love you, more" he leaned down and gave her a kiss.

their first ever kiss. sparks were flying, and it felt like time stopped. they pulled away and connected their foreheads. they looked in each other's eyes with red cheeks, giving each other one more peck.


they sat up in the sycamore tree talking for hours. talking about almost anything and everything. the sunset was peaking through the leaves of the tree. they were starving, so they hopped off the tree. before they left liv had to say her last goodbye.

"i miss you so much, mom. i love you. happy birthday"

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