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olivia had no idea what was going on anymore. losing her mom, seeing her ex, the tournament coming up, and miguel saying he loved her . . . it was just too much.  she left the party as soon as she could to clear things up with sam.  she didn't want her ex best friend thinking she tried to steal her boyfriend.

liv knocked on the front door but no answer. after multiple times there was still no answer. she knew sam knew it was liv, but she didn't want anything to do with her. liv walked around the house to sams window, knocking repeatedly.

"sam, i know you're in there. please, let me in"

sam opened the window with tears streaming down her face.

"leave me alone. you're the last person i want to talk to right now" sam tried to slam the window but liv was much stronger and let herself in.

"i didn't know miguel felt that way, sam. i would never steal another girls boyfriend. you should know that. if i knew he felt that way i would've stopped hanging out with him. if you just told me, i would've respected that and kept my distance. just because you don't care about me anymore, doesn't mean i don't care about you"

"it just sucks. 'cause the whole time i knew he loved you, i just didn't want to believe it. if you want to be with him it's okay"

"sam, miguel and i aren't even friends anymore. he's not who i thought he was"

"i'm sorry, but i'm mostly sorry for ditching you for yasmine and moon. you've been my best friend, since . . . forever. i shouldn't have left you like that"

"it's okay, sam. that's the past. again, i'm sorry for miguel"

"don't be. who wouldn't want you?" sam said giving her a slight laugh. "i promise, liv, if you want to be with him . . . i won't be mad"

"i don't know, sam"

"if you love him be with him"

liv did love miguel, but how could she ever trust him again?


liv decided to sleep over like old times.  watching scary movies and eating sam'ores.

"i didn't know you and robby dated"  sam said taking a bite of her sam'ore.

"yeah, we dated for a long time.  when my mom died i went to his apartment for comfort, but when i got there . . he dumped me"

"what?  that doesn't sound like robby at all"

"robby is a good person, but it's hard for him to love.  let's just say his life wasn't the best, the only way he knows how to cope is to run from things"

"wow, at least he's getting better . . 'cause he's kinda cute"  sam said which caused both girls to laugh.  bipolar.


miguel called and texted liv over and over, but like he expected, no answer.  he went to her apartment and her father said she wasn't there.  where could she be?  suddenly anger was all he felt when he thought about how she could be with robby.  he had no right to be mad though, she can do whatever she wants. 

he felt like shit for what he did to sam.  especially liv, he drank alcohol after he promised he wouldn't.  this is the second time he lost her, was this time for good?


the night ended and it was finally the morning.  sam dropped liv at her apartment and liv rushed in as fast as she could to avoid miguel.

liv didn't know what to do.  miguel loved her, and she loved him, but she can't just forget what he did to her.


hi! hope you guys are liking the book so far! this was sort of a filler chapter, because i didn't know how to fit this scene in the next episode. make sure to give me some feedback . . . maybe what you want to happen in future chapters? wanting new characters? just let me know, and thank you for reading. hope you enjoy! <3

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