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it's been a couple weeks since liv and miguel talked. miguel was so confused on why she hated him so much. over the time he's drifted from liv it gave him a chance to get closer with sam, and he was ready to ask her out. so, he decided to get advice from the best chick magnet he knew, mr johnny lawrence.

"well, there's a girl at school . . ."

"is she hot?"

" . . . and she's super smart"


"funny and cool"

"hot?" the sensei asked interrupting each time.

"yes, shes hot. super-hot"


"i think you'd really like her. she likes karate, and i wanna ask her out, but i just don't know"

"don't know? what's there to think about? she's hot, and all those other things. wait, are you talking about olivia? why hasn't she been coming to training?"

"i really don't know. she just doesn't want to talk to me anymore. i really miss her sensei. i've tried everything, calling, texting, going over to her apartment, but i give up"

"never accept defeat, diaz. there is no "no" and there is no giving up"

"i'm pretty sure no means no"

"yeah, but liv can beat the shit out of you if you even tried anything"

"i liked her when we were best friends. we almost kissed, but she shut me down"

"again, never accept defeat. do you like liv or this girl you're going to ask out?"

"i was going to ask out liv, but she didn't like me back"

"yes, she did, diaz. you're not good at this girl stuff, are you?"

"that doesn't matter anymore, i like this girl, sam. i'll try talking to liv at school. i just want my best friend back"


miguel had just asked out sam, and it went great! he was ecstatic. now it was time to find liv. after almost ten minutes of searching, there she was in the library.

as liv was writing her essay she turned around to feel a tap on her shoulder. she looked back to see her old best friend miguel. liv grabbed all her things about to leave but miguel pushed her lightly back in her seat.

"please, liv, talk to me. what's been going on? you've completely cut me out of your life. i've tried to talk to you, but it's like you hate me"

"i don't hate you, miguel. i- i just . . . you wouldn't get it, never mind"

"please, tell me"

"i liked you miguel" miguel looked at her completely baffled. "but you like sam. don't worry about it, i'm over it"

"why didn't you just tell me . . . i liked you too"

both teens realized if they had just told the other how they felt they could've been together. miguel was about to tell liv he still had feelings for her but he remembered he just asked sam on a date.

"liv i . . ." she looked up at him doe eyed waiting for what he had to say. a part of her was hoping he was going to ask her out. "i just asked sam on a date"

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