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olivia was watching some t.v. with her siblings when she heard a knock on the door.  she looked through the peephole to see a nervous miguel.

"um, hey miguel.  did you need something?"

"oooh!  it's a boy!  livvy has a boyfriend"  sophie and bella teased in a sing songy voice.

liv closed the door and talked to him outside.

"i'm sorry about them. they're so annoying" she laughed.

"at least you have siblings. i'm an only child"

"i'd trade lives with you any day of the week to get rid of those little monsters, but what's up?"

"i was wondering if you wanted to come join karate with me?"

"have you even done karate before?"

"this would be my second lesson.  plus my sensei kind of scares me"

"what's in it for me?"

"you can learn how to kick ass, and it gives us a chance to hang out . . . get to know each other better"

"what makes you think i'd want to hang out with you?"

"um, i- i"

"i'm kidding diaz. give me a sec to change and i'll tell my dad"

"great! um, i'll wait outside" he said nervously.

olivia laughed to herself at the nervous boy. she asked her father if she could go. he was a little skeptical because he hasn't met the boy she'd be going with, but she wore him down and he finally agreed.

she threw on a random black shirt, nike pro spandex and black nike running shoes. she went out to find miguel in the car with johnny.

"you're our sensei?" she said hopping in the back seat.

"yes. now, shut up and get it in so we can set up"


they got to the mini mart and got cleaning supplies out of the trunk.

"cobra kai?"  liv whispered. it seemed so familiar to her, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"you know about cobra kai?" miguel asked.

"no, but it seems so familiar"

"weird, but c'mon gotta go train"


miguel and liv were cleaning mats when johnny got back from the store.

"looking good. make sure you get both sides. after you're done with that, you can take care of those exposed wires.  that's gonna be a lot of work"

"what does any of this have to do with karate, sensei?"

"do not question my methods. just be thankful you're not a sumo wrestler. those guys have to wipe their senseis asses"

"is this some sort of way to show us muscle memory, sensei?" liv asked figuring it was like how daniel had taught her.

"what- yeah. yeah, sure"

"so, i, uh, see you were a karate champion, sensei" miguel said looking at johnnys old trophies, with liv trailing behind him.

NO MERCY ~ M.D.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora