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all the students were at the dojo.  sensei kreese called them in for special training.  liv was talking to aisha and tory. 

"so, how are you and miguel, liv?"  tory asked.

"we're doing great.  he just got me this necklace"  she showed them the necklace and they gave many comments about how sweet it was. 

"you guys are couple goals"  aisha said.

"aw, thanks"

"when you guys have kids i call being a godmother" 

"definitely, but we won't be having kids for a long, LONG time"  she laughed.

"everybody, get your gis on.  training starts in five minutes"  they heard sensei lawrence has instruct. they all murmured in confusion.  "yeah, what's wrong?"

"n-n-nothing's wrong.  i just thought we were going to the woods for a special training today"  miguel pointed out.

"what's happening in the woods?"  sensei lawrence asked.

"well, i thought it was a good time to separate the men from the boys.  and the girls too i suppose"  sensei kreese answered.


"coyote creek"

"i'm not sure they're ready for that"

"there's only one way to find out"

"we're ready, sensei"  miguel said.

"we wanna prove ourselves"  liv said backing him up.

"it's up to sensei lawrence.  if he says okay, then, and only then, is it okay"

"all right, what are you waiting for?  let's go"


all the students were standing in two lines facing each other.  miguel was standing across from hawk.  liv was standing across from tory, and the lines went down a couple more students.

"gentlemen, ladies.  welcome to coyote creek.  you've been split into two teams.  red . . . and black.  the goal is to capture as many headbands as possible from the other side.  today, the people across from you are not your friends.  they're not your brothers.  they are the enemy.  the last team standing . . . wins"  sensei kreese said explaining the game.

"how do we get the headbands?"  miguel asked.

"by any means possible.  no rules"

"use your judgement.  this is just a training exercise"  johnny said trying to ease the students.

"correct, but remember, this is your life.  you lose it . . . you die"


miguel and liv were walking around the woods together keeping an eye out for the red team. 

"so, what happens at the end of this if it's just you and me?"  miguel asked.

"you'll end up letting me win"

"what makes you say that?"

"trust me, babe.  i always win"

"how about this?  you come over and the winner gets to be in charge in bed tonight"  he smirked.

"then, i might just lose on purpose"  she said sending a wink his way. 

"i was hoping you'd say that"

they heard the sound of leaves crunching behind them.  they turned around to see two people from the red team.

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