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"You know, sentences don't usually start with someone talking" an orange haired figure smoothly spoke as a pencil danced along delicate fingers. Voice calm, yet biting the last few out.

"Yeah well, I'm not the best writer so you're going to have to deal with this until you teach me something for-" another figure gritted out as a hand smacked his head, carrying his whole body to the ground. His behind landed neatly and loudly on the wooden floor. His eyes wide as he looked towards the blue eyed figure. Her orange hair and blue eyes paired well together as she smirked towards him.

"Yes yes, I will teach you something if you actually try to write something decent" her body shifted to face towards him. "I can't help you improve if you can't even show me your best". She stood up and made way towards a door near the empty seat. Her body showing nothing other than a school uniform which fit loosely around her petite figure. Pencil still in hand she began to snicker as she exited the room.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into" he muttered as he picked himself off the ground and collected the multiple sheets and supplies that messily lay on a poorly maintained oak wood desk. His eyes brightened as the supplies quickly made their way into a black laptop satchel. 

"Can't complain though, Gary would kill to be in my position right now so I guess I'll just have to endure learning from her" he mumbled, making his way out the door and into an empty hallway.


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