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"So, what are you needing from the Mart?" Ash questioned as they neared a brightly lit sign with blue lettering spelling MART. His satchel strung neatly across his chest, while a strap for a pocket hung loosely. His steps were slow, trying to not out pace Misty and her shorter steps.

"Do you want the truth or do you want me to give you a half truth" She asked, turning her head slightly towards him. Their eyes met and stayed for a few seconds before hers crinkled and she picked up her pace while chuckling. They practically stood in front of it. The door was all glass and reflected them, showing off the height difference and the disappearing sun. The roof was blue and the LED sign flickered every few seconds.

"The truth, why would you want to lie to a friend" He joked. His blazer giving just a little bit away about his physique. Tie strung loosely around his neck, his hair tousled and dipping just to his soft auburn eyes. Her eyes quickly took notice of his blazer.

"Are we friends, I just thought I was an annoying student teacher" She smiled, her lips tugging upwards and her brows raising.

"What" Ash faltered and tripped nearly falling to the ground, catching the door handle to the Mart just in time.

"That was an intelligent answer" She sniggered, shrugging her shoulders and attempted to open the door his hand still held.

"Tampons, that's what I'm getting, now stop holding the door and let me through" She laughed as his jaw dropped. He held the door open for her as her laughs carried into the Mart. His shoulders slumped as he closed the door behind him.

"Why am I going to the Mart again, oh that's right, to help you get Tampons because-"


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