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"Uh, well I'm not sure" Ash turned around to face Misty a few feet away. Her body slightly angled away from him, her right hand twirling a part of her butterscotch colored hair. Her deep ocean eyes stared directly at  Ash, her eyebrow raising after a dozen seconds.

"Okay if you're not going to make a decision then I will and we're going to walk together since I need to pick something up from the Mart" She stated and began to walk past him. Her uniform lightly pressed against her in a sudden burst of wind.

Ash's eye's darted towards her chest but quickly rose to see the back of her head. Her hair blowing sweetly behind her as the distance between them reached a few meters.

"Oh come on, don't be so hesitant, I just don't like being by myself so would you hurry your behind over here" She laughed. Her teeth reflected the orange hue of the mellow sunset. Her hair nearly burning like a wildfire, shining like freshly polished gold.

He finally took a breath, which rumbled throughout his chest, slightly shivering from both the lack of air and the wind... yeah, the wind.

"Sure, whatever Misty, just don't make it too late because I need to study the notes that you so gratefully gave me and I know you'd rather not spend anymore time teaching my lazy ass" He chuckled and quickly caught up to her shorter strides. His eyes had to look a whole head down to see the top of her head.

"Ya know, you're pretty short for someone so fiesty" He smirked before a fist planted itself straight into his gut. He fell down on the ground with a loud THUMP and clutched his gut in agony.

"You fall pretty easily for a tall guy" She snorted and without looking back, continued forward.

"Imagine me dating her, yeah that's a hard no, Gary'll just love her" he mumbled.


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